Back on the coast - pt 1

This story happened on: 28/03/2013

There’s something weird going on. I as start to type this there’s this strange bright thing appearing from behind the clouds making everywhere seem just a bit well, warmer. I can even feel the heat on the back of my neck too. Given the recent arctic conditions it’s a welcome change. Let’s hope it continues.

It’s worth mentioning too that it’s a year since we first started caravanning, with that trip down (or up, depending on your location or point of view) to Crystal Palace – a blog of which can be found here. It’s also worth pointing out that it reached 22 degrees in south London and we able to sit out in deckchairs. What a difference a year makes!

So, where are we? Well, not far from home as it happens – at Littlehampton just along the coast and across in West Sussex. We called in here once, a few years back with Trev’s Mum I think and had a quick look around  but am looking forward to exploring some more.

We left Glastonbury and the wonderful Old Oaks site and headed east on Monday, arriving at the Caravan Club site in Wick, just outside Littlehampton around one(ish). The site was easy to find and access and the wardens friendly and helpful. It’s a well kept site with a new toilet block that is smart, clean and tidy with all the usual caravan Club facilities. It might be worth pointing out however that although it has a similar number of pitches to the Old Oaks it occupies considerably less space. I guess we were spoilt last week.

We’ve only had one day out and about so far as Tuesday we were at er, work. Well, sort of. We had to attend a first aid course along the coast in Portslade for work but reasoned that we were just as close here at the site as we would have been at Saltdean and  there was little point in going home and breaking up the holiday. We learnt all the usual stuff that you’d expect and had to take our turns practising mouth to mouth on the female manikins. As I approached, bent down and planted my gob on hers it occurred to me that there’s a first time for everything. And Last! We came away with our certificates and a days wages too, though sadly not literally!

Wednesday and with the arctic conditions still prevailing we coaxed Jessie into life and headed back west, first to the Georgian market town of Chichester. A pretty enough place on it’s own but slap bang in the middle is the cathedral. Outside stands a statue of a certain Saint Richard although I couldn’t see the likeness. In fact from a certain angle he looked more like the vampire from the film ‘Salems Lot’ but without the fangs. We went in of course – it was free although donations were gratefully received – even from heathens it seemed. The architecture was of course impressive but it was the stained glass windows that really stood out. This was ‘our’ cathedral, we were informed by one of the guides when he ascertained that we were from Brighton, although his surreptitious glances suggested that he didn’t think we’d be joining the congregation any time soon.

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Back outside we circumnavigated the grounds but I was unable to find a place where I could photograph the complete building, hopefully the pictures below will give you the an idea. The old covered market, at the towns epicentre, dating from the 16th century still stands and once provided a place for the impoverished to sell their wares without paying hefty market fees.

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Chichester sits just off the A27, a road we have been on many many times, whether it’s been on the way to Southampton to join a cruise, to Portsmouth for the Isle of Wight, or more recently for a trip out with Patsy. Back east, as you bypass Arundel, both it’s castle and cathedral can bee seen clearly as you sit in the often stationary traffic. We had called in to Arundel once – for fish & chips I think but have otherwise ignored it. It’s another delightfully pretty town clustered around the massive castle quite sensibly owned by the Duke of er, Norfolk who stills lives there. Clearly, the upkeep of such a place is quite high judging by the admission charge but we never really intended to go in anyway, preferring instead to enjoy the town and the view from outside.

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The cathedral stands out even more from the road, though does not look anywhere near as big close up. We went inside of course, and this being of Catholic bent, all images and depiction of the crucifixion were covered up prior to Easter. Those who know us may think it a little odd we’re spending all this time in houses of ‘God’, however, as I’ve said before, the architecture is stunning and it gives me the opportunity to admire and photograph some big organs. Boom boom!

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Back at the site, the occasional glimpse of the sun was warming things up just a little. The bbq was fired up for the first time in a week, then we met up with some of the guys who had arrived for the Freedom Club meet. We had a couple of pints at the pub around the corner. The London Pride, normally one of my favourites was a little cloudy and below par. The Doombar was excellent as usual.

So, that’s about it for now. We may go in to Littlehampton later – it has a really pretty harbour which I want to see again but will see what the rest of the guys fancy doing and go from there. Of course, there may be some veggies to offend too, better get the dead cow gear polished up…..

Hits on A Load of Nonsense! have broken all records again this week, so hopefully I’m doing something right! If you think so, please tell me. Likewise if you don't. Email me at It will be great to hear from you.

Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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Photo of Wast Water, Lake District by Sue Peace
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