A Cornish concoction pt 2 - The curse of the phantom floater

This story happened on: 15/07/2013

Good morning! Yes, another one – anybody would think it’s summer. Another glorious day beckons down here in Cornwall. The sky is blue, the breeze is light – and I’m in the van writing a blog. In fact it’s just as well. Being too mean with the Ambre Solaire yesterday morning and a little too generous with the Glenfiddich last night means that keeping in the shade is a good thing. Once this is done and despatched the radio will go on and the recliner will be reclined, whilst we listen to a German win the German Grand Prix (probably) and a Brit win, or a Scot lose, the Wimbledon final.
Anyway, enough of the waffle. I’m going to let the pictures do the talking. Partly because there are some great ones – in my opinion anyway – and partly because thanks to the aforementioned Glenfiddich – and the ‘research’ carried out prior – it’s a little foggy up top. So here goes.
After the lovely sunshine Wednesday afternoon, it was damp and misty again Thursday morning as I trudged to the facilities for the morning visit. All three loos were free but I was inexplicably drawn to the one in the middle but it wasn’t until closed the door and lifted the lid I knew why. The phantom floater had struck again.! Honestly, why some people find it so difficult to flush a loo I have no idea. Still, the attack was repelled swiftly.
Food shopping was the only thing on the agenda, but beings as that meant a trip a few miles up the road to Penzance we thought we’d have a look around there too. Trev was dressed appropriately for summer in bright t-shirt and shorts. I left my coat off. We parked near the harbour - from where you can get ferries to the Scilly Isles - and had a look around there first, just about seeing St Michaels Mount in the misty gloom before walking around past the large and - largely deserted - Lido to the main promenade. Some places instantly inspire you, but I’m afraid Penzance wasn’t one of them. However a foray away from the promenade and up one of the side streets brought us to the beautiful Morrab Gardens which really were delightful and well worth a visit.

The town centre was fairly busy and with the sun beginning to emerge the whole place looked a lot more cheerful. We contemplated stopping for lunch but instead headed for the supermarket and then back to the site for some lovely toasties and a bit of afternoon sun. We had some visitors in the afternoon too in the form of Dave & Sharon from the Tweet Bus. Yes, let me explain. The tweet bus goes around Cornwall promoting business and events and they’d heard that there were a couple of silly old bloggers in the vicinity and came to say hello. A visiting chip van provided the evenings meal, and very nice it was too.
Friday, and the first day of serious sightseeing – and with a gentle breeze and the sky clearing it was going to be the perfect day for it. The Lizard Peninsular was the area of choice for the day and Lizard point was to be the first port of call. It is mainland Britain’s most southerly point and a popular beauty spot but well known too for being notoriously dangerous to that passes along the coast. Thankfully modern navigational aids have improved things and the local lifeboat team are not pressed into service as often these days.

We paused for tea and cholesterol in the shape of a couple of delicious scones laden with jam and clotted cream before heading up the west cost of the peninsular to Mullion Cove. Built to serve the Pilchard fishing industry originally but now owned and preserved by the National Trust, there is still a small fishing fleet mainly bringing ashore shellfish. Another idyllic spot and, having never been to Cornwall before, was beginning to see why this corner of England is so popular.

Penultimate stop of the day was at Porthleven for yet more lens clicking – and the opportunity to see some men in black rubber – well neoprene I guess – trying to surf - before pausing at a garden centre cafe on the way home for a cuppa and a slice of cake so big it had even me struggling.

The bbq was pressed in to service for the first time this evening and the opportunity to cook and eat outside again was too good to miss.
Saturday was supposed to be another another sightseeing day. But having eschewed the more healthy option of cereals and fruit and fired up the bbq again we lazed around enjoying the sun. Norman, the site owner came over and had a chat and recommended a visit to Sennen Cove to see the sunset. So, after burgers and salad we showered and headed off. We were too early of course which gave us time for a little, erm, research in The Old Success Inn on the sea front.Three Ales from St Austells brewery were on offer and it seemed unfair to leave any out. They were all perfectly agreeable and a great summer drink although a little to light for my taste.

Finally, sunset came and several of us went out to capture the beauty. I’m not going to brag – the camera did the work, I just held it still and clicked. However I’m delighted with the results.

So, you’re up to date. As I said at the start, a lazy day planned with possibly a drive out somewhere this evening, but back on the road with memory card empty and battery full tomorrow.

Please visit www.aloadofnonsense.net for a version of this blog complete with photos


Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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Photo of Wast Water, Lake District by Sue Peace
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