New to caravaning

This story happened on: 18/01/2013

Hi everyone  i have just purchased a 1989 abi marauder 450 ct having never been caravaning previously. I thought joining the club seemed like a sensible idea as i dont really have much of an idea what im doing . just wondered if anyone had any tips on caravaning with a 2 year old and 6 month old ? the bunk in the rear doesnt really seem suitable for the young ones as it doesnt have much of a guard any ideas ? any advice would be gratefully received

                        many thanks terry

stuartgreenfield commented on 18/01/2013 21:55

Commented on 18/01/2013 21:55

Hi Terry,

We've been caravanning a year - so definitely still newbies! But last year we were able to take the foam cushions from our dinette area and use them as a guard for our 6-12 month old.

I've just posted a similar post in the accessories section asking if anyone has good advice now our son is 14 months, as cushions will just be a climbing frame!!! Will let you know if we find a solution.

We have had a brilliant year with the van and our 6 year old and baby.  We were able to give the 6 year old so much more freedom than she would have had in a hotel, and she had so much fun - and even found a penpal!.  Our first few trips with our son were easy, but be prepared that the 8-12 month stage in the van is quite hard work - there's nowhere safe to put them.  We had him on the floor and he worked out how to get into the fuse cupboard, and to open the oven pan drawer on his head.  We let him roll around in the awning (a decent sized one is a god send) and I went in to turn the pasta down and in that time he had wriggled under the awning and was setting off down the hill! But, it will get easier....I think!!!

Have you been on your first trip, or just planning it? We went very close to home for our first, just incase the kids wouldn't settle - but we've found the fresh air knocks them out, so they sleep better in the van than at home!!!  Also if you go to a CC site, you'll always find someone to give you a hand, or a bit of friendly advice :)

Hope this helps! But just shout if you have any other qu's!



DavidKlyne commented on 18/01/2013 23:38

Commented on 18/01/2013 23:38


I am sorry but you have posted this in the wrong place it should be in discussions under Caravans. This section is for stories about our hobby not for asking questions. If you repost where I have suggested I think you will get far more replies.


ScreenNameBFF78CD79F commented on 19/01/2013 18:26

Commented on 19/01/2013 18:26

hi nikki 

We are just in the planning stages of first trip at the mo (trying to be as prepared as possible ) we were lucky enough to get an awning with the van so kids will be spending the majority of time out their . We will be waiting for warmer weather as the van is quite old and not as well insulated as the newer ones . We have a travel cot we contemplated taking as prison for little one if things get that bad ha ha . As im a builder and the van is quite old i had an idea of building a wooden frame for the topbunk for now just so we can use the van and see if caravaning is for us . If you could let us know if you have any joy with the issue it would be appreciated as if we like caravaning we will buying a newer van and will probably have the same issue. Thanks for your reply, i hope it does get easier for you :) 

The Hackneys commented on 19/01/2013 19:55

Commented on 19/01/2013 19:55

Regardless of being in the wrong section i would like to say Welcome to the world of caravaning hope you have many great times ahead belive me you will, subject to your question about bunk guards maybe scroll ebay to see if there are any guards from a breakers and adapt it to fit on the bunk side or adapt a cargo net with brackets fitted to the caravan roof ours has been done this way great idea defo one with small holes ie travel cot netting all the best for 2013


The Hackneys

stuartgreenfield commented on 18/02/2013 22:28

Commented on 18/02/2013 22:28

We've solved our bunk problem! Search "bunk net" on google! We got ours from O'Leary as it was the cheapest supplier, and we tried it out last weekend. Worked brilliantly, and looks nice and tidy when its up! Hope you have lots of fun with your van! We've just had four beautiful days away in February. Everyone thought we were mad but we had a great break and the kids loved it!

woodlanewanderers commented on 25/02/2013 16:08

Commented on 25/02/2013 16:08

Hi We sometimes take our grandchildren with us, We found a good bed guard at AGOS that was adjustable and fitted under the mattress with a drop down side.It was inexpensive.

Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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