Red Pennant to the Rescue

This story happened on: 27/08/2015

Following a recommendation from a friend who had cause to use the services of Red Pennant we always take out their cover when travelling abroad. Our recent experience highlights the value of that investment.

Having travelled down from Suffolk on for an overnight stop at the Caravan Club Site in Folkestone prior to catching an early morning Shuttle across to France we arrived at the site late afternoon.

 Upon setting up the Caravan we noticed water spewing out from above the nearside twin wheels. On close Inspection the wheels had been rubbing on the wheel boxes on both sides of the Caravan and on the nearside had penetrated the wheel box and fractured the water pipes.

 It was clear we were not going anywhere with the Caravan and feared our main holiday of the year was in tatters.  We called Red Pennant who quickly arranged for one of their technical experts to liaise with us. He conformed our worst fears that the Caravan could not be towed and arranged to collect it himself via Low Loader the following day.

Staff in the Office called us back and explained our options of continuing the holiday either in alternative rented accommodation or hotels if we so wished. We thought about our options that evening over a meal and agreed that cancelling our holiday would not get the Caravan fixed any sooner so we decided to continue to France.

Early the next morning we contacted Red Pennant and told them of our decision and they explained our level of cover with the PLUS Insurance. To cut a long story short we hired a Cottage in the Dordogne and stayed at Hotels to break the journey there and back. This was all paid for by Red Pennant as was the cost of food on our Journey there and back not to mention the recovery of our Caravan back home.

Despite the initial inconvenience and concerns we had a great holiday (although this confirmed our preference for Caravanning over hotels and Cottages) and experienced fantastic weather so enjoyed our main holiday thanks to Red Pennant cover.

Please can we publicly take this opportunity to thank the staff for their advice and help at what was a most stressful time. In particular your technical expert who spoke to us initially on the telephone and who later the next day collected our Caravan on the Low Loader. He was so helpful and reassuring it made the experience so much easier to handle.  He was fantastic and not only ensured that our Caravan was safely returned home but that it was also fitted with the usual security devices and left with the legs down in the alarmed position.

Thank You Red Pennant!


PR1 commented on 30/08/2015 21:27

Commented on 30/08/2015 21:27

As usual brilliant service from Red Pennant! 

I have just been writing up our tales of woe during our recent sojourn to France, and will be posting it on here tomorro! Red Pennant are the real heroes when you hit problems!

Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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