Scarletsfan - Nissan Blogger Part 3 - Chester Fair Oaks

This story happened on: 05/12/2012

Tuesday 4 December

It has rained overnight, but with the low temperatures the site was like a sheet of ice this morning when we woke up. We've a lot to cram into today, so a lie in is a luxury we cannot afford.

While packing up I notice that the motor home that pitched along side us yesterday had a Carmarthenshire County Council recycling box outside. The occupant appeared and it turns out he is from a village just a few miles from us at home. Small world!!! An even bigger coincidence is that like us they had travelled to Chatsworth House first before moving to York, and guess where they are going next? Yes, Chester just like us!

Anyway we are breakfasted and pulling out of the site at 9.15am. The long access road has not been gritted, but the 4wd on the X Trail is faultless, not losing traction at all. With the Blues Brothers blasting out of the Bose speakers we are rolling at cruising speed on the A64 towards the motorway network.

The weather starts to change the M62 takes us up over the Pennines and we pass Slott Hall Farm sited between the two carriageways. By the time we get onto Saddleworth Moor, the highest motorway in England (372m) the rain has turned to snow and herself gets all excited. The motorways that circle Manchester are tedious, the wind is gusting and the HGVs are causing a bit of turbulence. The X Trail however never loses control of the van and the 112 mile journey passes without incident.

We arrive at the Chester Fairoaks Caravan Club site just before noon. We pitch up, have a brew and are pulling back out through the gate by 12.30pm


Another day and another city, and we exit the NCP car park straight into Chester's Christmas Market. It all looks very festive with stalls in log cabins. Herself is taken by one that is selling hand made tree decorations while my favourite one is the Xmas BBQ. The smell radiating from it is Divine, and despite me hanging round and looking longingly at the sizzling burgers and bangers, herself is having nothing of it.

We walked the city centre and it's obvious that the recession has yet to travel this far. There are no boarded up shops, and most of the shoppers appear to be well heeled. We are in the middle of 'Footballer's Wives' territory here, every other woman is made up heavily and the standard uniform seems to be designer over the knee boots worn over designer jeans.

We have walked by all the designer coffee shops and expensive eateries, and while browsing the indoor market I talk herself into stopping at the reasonable priced cafe. My accent seems to be a problem here because the chicken salad I ordered turned up in the shape of a chip batch!!!

We were all too aware that the NCP clock was ticking at an alarming rate so decided to head out of town to the Cheshire Oaks shopping outlet. It's massive and has every shop you could imagine. It's very easy to spend a lot of money very quickly here. And we do.

Shopped out we head back to the van and it starts to rain quite heavily. I'm in JFO mode, and tea tonight is Steak with new potatoes. For afters I have a case of 'Old Speckled Hen' and herself has two bottles of Champers that we picked up reduced earlier.

Settled in for the night and the booze is going down a treat, while outside the rain is coming down in sheets. There is nothing like being nice and warm in the van and listening to the rain hammering down on the roof.

Monday 5 December

It had stopped raining some time in the night and the temperatures outside plummeted. Not that we were bothered inside the van though. Skipping breakfast, we were pulling out of the site gates by just after 9am.

There were two options today for the journey home. Firstly a 148 mile tow along the twisting, but very scenic and traffic free roads of Mid Wales or a 247 mile tow home via the motorway network.

Mid Wales won hands down. It was quite a challenging tow with the roads twisting and turning and also some steep ascents and descents. The X Trail, as it has done all week, took everything that was thrown at it in its stride.

We got home by 1pm. The van has been washed and is now parked up in winter mode, and The X Trail washed ready for collection tomorrow. I'm going to miss that car!!


In the week we were away in it we covered a total of 1056 miles, 570 of those miles towing the caravan. Over the whole trip we averaged just under 35 mpg, which I consider to be not bad going for a car of this size - and when not towing I've not exactly spared the horses.

We packed a lot into our 7 nights away. We stayed on three sites, all of which were very nice. Our favourite site though has to be Chatsworth, purely for the location.

Personal highs?? Well for herself it has to be the day we walked through the Chatsworth estate and round the formal gardens, and for me the day we visited Heartbeat country.

Personal lows?? Herself will say the time I dragged her onto the York Wheel, but for me it has to be the let down of York's Winter Wonderland. The website promised so much, but it delivered very little.

We called in on 4 Christmas markets during the week, some good and some bad. Our favourite by some distance was the Dickensian experience at Lightwater Valley. We also shopped at quite a few city centres and out of town centres. The best by a long way out of the lot was the Cheshire Oaks outlet in Chester.

Finally my thanks to Nissan, Fuse, Trackworks and the Caravan Club for making the whole experience possible.

Danny and Karen commented on 05/12/2012 16:55

Commented on 05/12/2012 16:55

That's good MPG! Mine only just got that solo!!!!

Guess i got a duff one!

Tell them to come and get mine early and see if they'll let you keep yours til Friday! lol

scarletsfan commented on 05/12/2012 17:51

Commented on 05/12/2012 17:51

Reading your blog, it doesn't really sound like you really had the opportunity to give teh X Trail much of a chance.

DSB commented on 29/12/2012 16:23

Commented on 29/12/2012 16:23

Hi scarletsfan.  You van looks as if it might be a Sancerre??  The same as ours.  We are really pleased with ours.


scarletsfan commented on 29/12/2012 19:45

Commented on 29/12/2012 19:45


I note from your blogs it is indeed the same van.  We are smitten with it and the layout.  A fixed bed, full size washroom with separate shower .... all on a single axle weighing under 1500kg.

What wheel lock do you have? I'm looking ata the cheaper version of the Alko one to replace my againg traditional wheel clamp.

DSB commented on 30/12/2012 03:39

Commented on 30/12/2012 03:39

We've upgraded the weight of ours to 1500kg (just a bit of paper work - nothing 'structural

To be honest we only tend to use out alko hitch lock.  Our secure storeage is really good and we feel happy in just using the hitch lock.  We do have an 'Excalabur' (sp?) wheel lock (it's a bit like the alko - uses the 'fitted retainer thingy' but we very rarely use it.  When we are on site we usually have the awning up, which means theft is less likely and would cause a bit of a fuss on site to take it down.

Glad you like the van.  If we were to replace it, I'd go for the Pegasus equivalent, but the Sancerre is good and hopefully will last us for a while yet.


primera commented on 10/01/2013 07:07

Commented on 10/01/2013 07:07

we also have an x trail it tows our coachman pastiche superb it pulls like a train. road holding great; and traction exellent ; but similar to the other member can only get 35 mpg solo how ever its driven. and about 27 mpg towing; but it has lots of space for all our equipment and has been very reliable; it is a brilliant tow car   

scarletsfan commented on 10/01/2013 19:50

Commented on 10/01/2013 19:50

I was going on what the onboard computer was telling me, and not doing a calculation from fill up to fill up.

sailorgirl2 commented on 13/01/2013 16:32

Commented on 13/01/2013 16:32

I too have an Xtrail that pulls my Swift Conqueror perfectly. It is so easy to forget that you have a caravan on the back.The very first time I towed to Appleby in Yorkshire in snow and she behaved  immaculately both up and down hill and even on the icy paths of the site.The  caravan and car seem so well balanced it is a joy to tow with. However I was one of the lucky winners of the Nissan Blog and am taking delivery of the Nissan Pathfinder for a week  during the first week of February.I can't wait to have a go in a "real truck" because that is what a Pathfinder looks like after my Xtrail.We are going  into Worcestershire with it and the weather looks as though I might have snow again for my initiation drive. Watch this space!!!!!!

Cardi commented on 14/01/2013 14:42

Commented on 14/01/2013 14:42

I also tow with a Nissan X Trail I am on my second one. All in all very satisfied with its versatility. Hoever I am thingking of changing to a VW Tiguan 2012 model. Any one with a comment on its suitability compared with the X Trail?


Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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