February Half Term in The Borders

This story happened on: 24/04/2012

Day 1 Never ever trust yewer satnav

Well, what a tow that was!  All was going well until we passed Llandrindod Wells. 
Despite thefact that Mandy the Mondeo has 1.5 tonnes of caravan fastened to her arse, tomtom decides to have some fun with us, and we arrived at Daisy Bank after a rather interesting tow through and over the Marches.
Mandy copes quite well though, actually a lot better than herself and I.
After setting up we didn't stray too far, just down the road to the brilliant Harry Tuffins supermarket in Churchstoke.  They sell anything and everything in that place.

After a lamb chop dinner we settled down for a rather pleasant evening in the van.
Herself and I actually had a conversation or two....... which was nice!

Day 2 - Grand day out
.Woke up this morning with the sun doing it's best to peak through the clouds. A trip out to Llangollen and over the Horseshoe pass is planned. If Mandy was hoping for an easy day after yesterday's events, she's in for a bit of a let down.
Herself is having a bit of trouble with her ankle, and extended walks are out of the question today, so like a pair of pensioners, flask of tea made, we set off on a jolly for the day.

Heading north through some fantastic countryside we make our way to Llangollen.  It strikes us that not many poor people live in these parts, the roads are awash with BMW X5s and Range Rover Sports, and the average property price must be upwards of 300k.

The Penderosa Cafe sits on the Summit and was doing a roaring trade, but playing at being pensioners we has come armed with a flask!  I walk the dogs whilst herself gets a brew on for us in Mandy.
Llangollen is very picturesque and we are treated to the sight of 'Thomas The Tank' steam locomotive leaving the station. We head up onto the Horseshoe pass, climbing quite steeply to the summit. Herself is rather reluctant to get out of Mandy, and at 1368ft, it was a bloody coat colder exposed to the elements, and I can't really blame her as she only has a 'Town Coat' with us.

The Horseshoe pass is a great piece of road, and I secretly wish I was 20 years younger, with a bit more bottle to have a good go at it.  Some flowers strapped to a tree on one of the bends brings me back to my senses and I ease off the gas and herself starts to relax a bit more.
Back in Llangollen it's shorts and tee shirts weather  compared to up on the top, and lunch is provided by the local Co-op in the shape of egg sarnies and crisps, as we head south in search of a picnic spot.
Can I find one? Not for the life of me.  This area seriously lacks picnic spots.
Herself can tell I'm getting agitated and offers me s sandwich to eat while driving.  I bite her head off and we carry on until I stumble across a picnic site at somewhere invitingly called 'Oswestry Old Racetrack'. In reality, although very scenic, it is just somewhere that the good people of Oswestry take their dogs to poo!
Ours get to stretch their legs again before we head back to the site, stopping off at 'Harry's' for provisions.
I like a good spin out I do, sussed out a few caravan sites for future reference as well.
Spent the evening happily cwtched up in the van with some Cobra beer for company.
After a lazy morning doing nothing much at all except have a lie in and scoff bacon and egg rolls, we decided to head off out for the rest of the day.

With no particular destination in mind I looked at a leaflet handed out by the site that promises a farmer's market no less in Ludlow.  So off we set, only we get to Ludlow, and it's a quaint enough place with roads going through houses and everything, but could we find the market?
From there we make our way back to Bishops Castle where we park up and have a little mooch.  Just craft shops and stuff, herself is not very impressed, but we do buy some stuff in a pet shop.

Now there's two things that have struck us about this area.
  1. Flags.  They are everywhere.  All the roads criss cross the border, and it seems that the locals are fiercely proud of which side they live.  It seems that every other property is either flying Y Ddraig Goch or The Coss of St George.

2.Road kill, there is lots of it, rabbits, foxes, grouse......... One lady was even pulling into the petrol station with a grouse tangled in her front grill!

Anyway, we are on our way to Montgomery to have a mooch around there, and we add to the roadkill total as a bunny wabbit runs straight out under Mandy. Herself is upset.  I thought it best not to ask if it would be ok to go back and pick it up for the stew pot!
Sorry, my mistake, there are three things that have struck us about the area. The third being Castles, and lots of them.  Not proper tidy ones like Pembroke or Kidwelly, but lots of little dwtty ones, or big country houses pretending to be castles.
We arrive in Montgomery and I am starting to get that sinking feeling again.  My only previous experience of this town is its frequent mentions on BBC Wales Today News or BBC Wales documentaries with Derek the Weatherman bumping his gums about the place.  Well, sorry Derek, but it's a shithole, and I'll stick to watching it on BBC thank you very much!  Oh, and it's castles don't allow dogs in the grounds either.
Never mind, newly bought AA road atlas tells me that Powis Castle is not too far, so off we go.  We get as far as the entrance gates, and the welcome sign is not very welcoming.  No dogs allowed, says the sign in  big letters at the entrance to the estate!

Are you starting to get a feel for our day out yet?
Things are now getting a little fraught in Mandy, herself and I have words, but a local nature reserve comes to the rescue, and we spend a pleasant half hour strolling around ( we even did a bit of twitching), albeit with the dogs not allowed off their leads.
I start to feel guilty and want to buy herself a decent outdoor coat cos hers is Ok for in town and stuff, but no good in the Great Outdoors.  I remember that we passed a mountain warehouse shop yesterday on the way North.  Can I find it again though? Can I *#*#! and after some miles I just give up.

Not a very good success rate today is it?
I spot a brown tourist sign for Lake Vyrnwy, so with the dogs desparate for a stretch we head off in that direction. Ten miles and numerous brown signs later we come accross another sign that tells us the lake is 16 miles further.

Call me picky, but if you see a brown tourist sign for an attraction, and that attraction is 26 miles away, the sign should bloody well warn you it's that far.
You've seen Chevvy Chase in National Lampoons going to Wally World?  Well that is now me at the wheel hurtling though the Welsh hills!  We are now on a mission, and we will see the lake.
After some driving that Gwyndaff Evans would have been proud of, we arrive (Hooray!!!) , and it's a stunning place.  We drive over the dam wall and head up the southern shore looking for somewhere suitable to stop off.
We walk along the shore, the dogs take a dip in the icy water, and we see some of the biggest picnic tables ever.
Time to head back to site, via Harry's for provisions of course.  The awning is now down and packed away ready for the off in the morning, settling in with a nice chilli and a few bottles of Perroni to wash it down.
Woke this morning to a howling wind and the threat of rain.  Any ideas of a leasurly breakfast were quickly dispersed with, and we got on with the task of packing up to head off.

Just as we finished, herself takes the dogs off for a walk and the heavens opened.
Back in the car, hitched up and ready to go, my newly purchased AA road atlas gets consulted.  Tom Tom wants to take us back towards Bishops Castle and then the A488 through Knighton to Llandrindod Wells.  Don't let the 'A' classification fool you with this road, it makes for a rather interesting tow indeed (as we found out on Wednesday).

At 111 miles it's 16 miles longer than Tom Tom's preferred route, but the plan is to head for Newtown, Llanurig, then the A470 to Newbridge on Wye and then Llandovery and Home.  A much easier road to tow on.

Ah yes, The Shogun and missing it.

I was lucky enough to tow with big 4x4s from 2007 onwards, and since 2008 we had The Shogun.  The beast was a great towing machine, but this summer I was finding it increasingly difficult to justify to myself the huge ammounts of money it was costing just to put fuel in her.  So we changed to Mandy.

Stability at speed isn't an issue, because the caravan is fitted with Alko's Trailer stabilty device, but today whilst driving home, it rained and it rained and it rained.  real proper Welsh heavy rain too, leaving inches of standind water on the roads, and at times Mandy was scrabbling for traction.

Anyway, home safe, van emptied and put away.  Now where to go next?
Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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Photo of Wast Water, Lake District by Sue Peace
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