
This story happened on: 11/11/2012

First off, apologies for this not being a caravanning story.  But in my defence the club do have a rather popular site in the town that we stayed in.

China, no not the country, but the anniversary.  On the 25th April this week herself and I have been married for 20 years.  Google tells me it's the China anniversary and we took ourselves off away from the kids  for a bit.

On our 10th we went to Kilarney in Ireland, on the 15th it was to the Lake district and now for our 20th The Cotswolds is the destination of choice (not really, it's just where we got the nicest looking hotel for the money on Late Rooms).

As it's only one night, we were pushing the boat out for this one, although there is a coolbox full of beer, wine and sandwiches for the room cos I refuse to pay room service prices.

The plan was to drop Jnr#2 off at school then set off from home with the intention of looking around Moreton in Marsh before checking into the hotel.  Well, @DerekTheWeather and his forecast put the brakes on that idea.  It pissed down all the way along the M4 over into England, it pissed down up the M5 into Gloustershire and it was still pissing down as we arrived in Moreton.

Herself had done her hair, and there's no was she is getting out of the car in the rain, so off we went on a trip to explore the area by car.  First stop was the Caravan Club site in Moreton, looks very nice and close enough to the town to walk in.

We moved on and then stopped near Broadway for a spot of lunch taken in the car peering through steamed up windows into the mist.

We then head towards Bourton on the Water, and it's a chocolate box type place with chinese tourists snapping everything.  I'm pretty sure that if a horse stopped to take a dump they'd be snapping away!

After a little while the heavens opened again, and with herself keen not to ruin her hair, we make a dash back to the car.  It's time we can check in so we head back to Moreton in Marsh and the hotel.
I am told the the buildings in this part of the world look stunning as the sunshine makes the yellow Cotwold stone glow.  Unfortunately it pissed down all the time we were there so can only take people's word for it.

In Moreton we stayed in at The White Hart Royal and we did feel a little guilty about leaving the van behind, but it was hardly worth dragging it out for one night.  I did consider it though, because for what it's costing to sleep here for one night we could have stayed for 5 or 6 at the club site just around the corner from it!

The White Hart Royal Hotel was once a coaching inn. Its reputation was enhanced when King Charles I sheltered in the inn following the battle of Marston Moor on 2nd July 1644. A copy of the King's unpaid bill is commemorated on a plaque within the entrance lobby.  The cost of a bed for the night and food here is eyewatering; I think they are still trying to recoup the cost of that unpaid bill.

We stayed in one of the feature rooms, the Evesham Four Poster, which is on the ground floor with large four-poster bed, antique furniture, air conditioning and a wet room.  Very nice it was too!
The weather had also made our decision on where to dine a whole lot easier.  We were staying put.  Freshened up we made our way to the Snug Bar for pre dinner drinks.  A lovely cosey bar with low ceilings, bowed oak beams and a roaring log fire.
The beer was accompanied by some warm breads served with olive oil and basmaltic vinegar, and it would have been all too easy to settle in for the evening here, but a table had been booked for 6.30 in the Courtyard Resaurant.
The french bloke working 'front of house' was very attentive, nothing being too much trouble (including flirting with herself).  The food was excellent. I had a Confit of Duck to start, Ribeye steak for mains and Sticky Toffee Pudding for desert.  All washed down with a few bottles of pink fizzy stuff.
Mr Over Attentive Froggy is really working hard for a tip.  We are not allowed to refill our own glasses all night, and to top it all, with the deserts he brings out a plate with white chocolate on which they had written 'Happy Anniversary' in dark chocolate.
Herself is over the moon with this and is insistant that any tip I leave must be in the form of a note and not coins.  I see my chance as Mr Overattentive goes off on his break.  I get up to leave, but herself gives me a look that says 'SIT DOWN'.
Anyway, he has his tip, which is discretely pocketed before you could say "I'm not letting the other staff see this"
Seriously though, a top evening!
Breakfast was taken in the Courtyard Resaurant before checking out and setting off on another road trip.  We head north to 'Shakespear Country' and Stratford Upon Avon.  Not impressed, we don't stop and carry on towards Tewksbury.  We have a quick look round, and both agree that it's what we thought Stratford would look like. 
The Caravan Club site is checked out for future refrence before we hit the M50 towards home (avoiding the Severn Crossing toll).
Oh yes, China.  I bough herself a china ornament of a border collie while we were in Bourton on the Water.
Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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Photo of Wast Water, Lake District by Sue Peace
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