Good Samaritans

This story happened on: 07/05/2014

It was the first day of our mini tour consisting of one night at the Hurn Lane CC site, three nights at Minehead CC site and 3 nights at Cheddar Gorge CC site.

We had arrived about tea time and were hungry and decided to use our bikes to go along the sea front and get a take away. Unfortunately about 2 miles from the van a dropped curb wasn’t as dropped as it should be and Sam came off her bike, we were doing a bit of speed so it was quite a nasty fall. Almost immediately a passer by stopped to help, Sam was in a lot of pain so he phoned an ambulance, another lady had stopped and was offering antibacterial wipes and another couple had also stopped to help.

In no time art all the ambulance had arrived and the paramedics had got Sam on her feet and into the ambulance.


I noticed that with the last couple to stop and help that the man had disappeared but his wife was still there giving words of support and wisdom.

I had thought they would take her to A&E and I would somehow have to get the bikes back to site and follow through to A&E but no, Sam re emerged from the ambulance with the help of the paramedics who reported that she was battered, bruised and shaken but thankfully nothing broken.

After thanking them the ambulance left and at about the same time the lady’s husband turned up, he’d been and emptied his car, a large people carrier, and put he rear seats down to get our bikes in and takes us back to our site !!!

Its lovely to see how people can be so helpful when you need it, I don’t know what we would have done with out them, and true pair of good Samaritans.

We took it easy and still had a great holiday and two weeks later Sam still has a few red bits but is on the mend.


On the last day we managed to get a shot of the van right in the middle of the Cheddar Gorge…..

Have you been helped by a good Samaritan ? 

Bakers2 commented on 07/05/2014 17:56

Commented on 07/05/2014 17:56

It's lovely to hear that people help out others.  We always offer assistance if we think we can help.  We were away at the weekend and an older lady, who it turned out had dementia, had taken a tumble while walking by the lake.  Fairly busy area, hubby, a first aider, stayed with her and her husband until ambulance arrived.  Others offered blankets as well as assistance.  It is very heartening to know that people are generally nice to others - especially as the news would have you believe otherwise.  Speedy recovery to Sam.

golly79 commented on 07/05/2014 18:10

Commented on 07/05/2014 18:10

So pleased you are ok Sam amd Richie . we missed each other , myself and Mrs Golly were in minhead at the beginning of may ,so you had a lucky escape there .

well done too, to the people who helped you both ,i did have one chap in his car stop as i was bent over in the road ,he asked if i was ok and if we needed a lift . he thought i was unwell you see , i stood up and said i am fine thank you but thanks for you concern but i am looking at a rather hairy catapilla .the man said ok at least your ok , he then drove off.


Oneputt commented on 07/05/2014 18:59

Commented on 07/05/2014 18:59

Great story Richie,  all us old cynics on here really do know that there are still some caring, nice people out there.  Hope Sam is feeling better.  I've given first aid at 2 fairly serious RTA over the years

malc1945 commented on 08/05/2014 19:29

Commented on 08/05/2014 19:29

we always offer help if people look as if they are in trouble. its when you are rebuffed in a nasty sort of way, it does put you of a bit but inthe end i will always offer help  malc1949

RowenaBCAMC commented on 19/05/2014 15:34

Commented on 19/05/2014 15:34

Oh no poor Sam - hope she is fully recovered now and pleased to hear there were plenty of people willing to offer their help and assistance

Great picture of the Cheddar Gorge and your motorhome - thanks for sharing. Smile

Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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