Caravan Capers: Day 10

This story happened on: 11/01/2015

I am besieged by electrical gremlins! 5.32 am and the fridge alarm goes off. And it would have to happen on my first morning off. Has someone sneaked in and raided my fridge in the early hours? Admittedly it’s a huge fridge but it’s impossible as my caravan door is locked top and bottom and who would want my cottage cheese and jar of gherkins anyway? (The chocolate and Sauvignon that were worth stealing have already been succumbed to late last night whilst watching Gogglebox. So much for the diet - raw food and winter are not the best combo.) 


I suppose it could be my fault as I have accidentally left the fridge door open a couple of times - and have been grateful for the warning bleep that it gives out. Just not at half past five when I'd planned a rare lie-in. I open and shut the door and it stops. An hour later it does it again and I vow to find and keep handy all manuals to white goods so I can work out what the flashing lights mean. 


I then decide that the universe is obviously telling me to get out of bed and to get on instead with all the stuff that I have let slide in the last couple of weeks. Rehearsals have been have been so all-consuming that I haven't even caught up with paying my credit card or even anything Christmassy (luckily I’m one of those people who buy pressies all through the year, so it’s only cards that friends are missing out on). I clamber out of bed, turn up the heating and pop the kettle on. And all of a sudden that stops working. The mysterious fridge gremlins have also messed up my tea lifeline. And I am addicted to the stuff - I'm useless without my morning cuppa. 


Two minutes later the pan is on the gas cooker (needs must) and I have added fuses to my shopping list. Along with a mental note to stop depending on my poor husband for the changing fuses or deciphering of manuals. It's time to big up and get practical. Heck, at this rate I might even tackle that IKEA filing cabinet that's been sitting at home, unassembled for months. Now that would be an achievement.


6.05 and my tea tastes just as good with saucepan water, the cock is crowing outside (I love waking to his morning call) and I'm ready to tackle the day. It's a bright, cold morning but I'm as warm as toast (I don't even need to wear a dressing gown in the caravan) and the fridge has stopped flashing at me. I'm going to take my first walk in the lovely woods a stone's throw from my door and then I'm going to going to get on top of my paperwork. Onwards and upwards!  


PS. It wasn't me - it was a power cut! Peter and Sally came to tell me as I was setting off to explore the woods. What’s more, they say I'm coping really well as mid-winter isn’t the ideal intro to caravanning! 


PPS. Thank you so much to all the lovely motorhomers and fellow caravanners for your kind and helpful comments. They are much appreciated!

Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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Photo of Wast Water, Lake District by Sue Peace
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