6th (and last!) caravan capers

This story happened on: 29/01/2015


Day 26


Panto is over, I am packing up to leave and I'm not a happy bunny. My stay at Hunger Hill Farm in North Lincs, in a Baileys Unicorn has been a major success. I am a total convert to caravanning – and I don’t want to leave my new home. I remember Roland Rivron telling me how much he and his wife loved caravanning when I met him at last years CC Awards – describing it “like constantly setting up home - a twin-axle Wendy House!” And as I write, my closest friends and most of the cast of Jack and the Beanstalk are now browsing the Internet and my Caravan Club mags to check the sums and see how much they could pick one up for.


My three biggest concerns about caravanning have all evaporated. When I arrived I was anxious being so close to the woods and often alone at the site; I was worried about getting to grips with all the caravan maintenance, and (possibly my biggest concern) was being warm enough. Well, it gets so warm I am constantly turning the heating down and I frequently wander around starkers (with the blinds down of course…!) And I have seen all weathers here (other than snow) and have felt snug and protected throughout them all - even gale force winds.


Interestingly, I have never been scared once - even when on my own on the site and when it’s inky black outside. It has helped to know that the site owners are literally a stone’s throw away - and the bright fairy lights round the little information hut and the twinkling Christmas reindeer by its side have always been a comfort – and very welcoming to return to! Finally, caravan maintenance is now second nature (in fact when I sit on an ordinary loo I wonder where the tank for emptying it is!) And as I suspected at the start I know I'll  be a lot more mindful about my water consumption in future (which is no bad thing). 


I haven't been able to capitalise on all the lovely things to do in area - other than Barton Ropewalk and Hemswell Antiques Market which were both wonderful – especially Hemswell, which I used to always visit years ago, and is now so full of tempting collectibles I could have spent the entire day there and still not seen it all!


I can’t quite believe it but there are still some cubby holes in the caravan I haven't filled (sacrilege to a confirmed hoarder like me) but I have actually thrived on knowing where everything is (!) and I have kept the caravan showhome-immaculate in case I have unexpected visitors. My favourite things have been the pull-out table (I have never felt cramped with it) and the huge fridge which has been invaluable.


I'm always fairly frantic and rushing from A to B, but the caravan has been a lovely place to just sit in for some quiet contemplation, which I never normally have time for. The lovely big windows have revealed some extraordinary early sunsets, and the site has been everything I could have wished for.


Most of all, the CL’s owners, Claire, Vinny, Peter and Sally have all been absolutely fantastic – unreservedly kind, caring, helpful and insightful. I am very grateful to them, and to the team at Baileys - especially Marketing Director Simon Howard - and to Nikki, Sarah and Ro at The Caravan Club who have all been fantastic. I am sad to go…… 







Bakers2 commented on 29/01/2015 09:11

Commented on 29/01/2015 09:11

Its a great hobby isn't it.  I'd quite like it as a gap year lifestyle, but can't happen yet (I'm not a student or justing finishing uni - I have to work until retirement, unless I strike it lucky and get a decent win Happy).  I always feel sad when having to pack up however close the next trip is. 

It is amazing that we learn to conserve water and live in limited spaces without any problem.  You can't beat the cosiness when its cold or wet outside and its wonderful to look at  dark skies and have nature on the doorstep.  Glad you enjoyed it all and will be keeping up the hobby.

Oneputt commented on 29/01/2015 09:18

Commented on 29/01/2015 09:18

Thank you Julie for the stories.  Glad you enjoyed and hopefully you will let us know of further adventuresHappy

Swifty 123 commented on 29/01/2015 15:19

Commented on 29/01/2015 15:19

My wife and I have really enjoyed following your 'capers' over in East Anglia, we will miss catching up with you! Glad you enjoyed your time in the van, we now have another one converted to the 'Dark Side' (as I am sure people like Ray Mears would have us believe!) Hope to hear from you again next year.......Oh Yes We Will !!!!

brue commented on 29/01/2015 16:43

Commented on 29/01/2015 16:43

Happy Be careful the CC will have you on a towing course next! Glad to hear you enjoyed a taste of van life.

royandsharont commented on 29/01/2015 19:35

Commented on 29/01/2015 19:35

Sorry to hear you are going, will you be giving the caravan up or keeping it for the future? I have enjoyed reading your stories. Good luck for the future.

Regards, Roy

Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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