Concert on the Green

This story happened on: 06/08/2022


After a winter of ill health and the tedium of lock down, we were thrilled to get back to caravanning. What could possibly be better than strolling through the beautiful Cotswold village of Bourton on the Water on a sunny August Saturday?


I’ll tell you, strolling through the beautiful Cotswold village of Bourton on the Water to the joyful accompaniment of the CAMC Concert Band! We were actually on our way back to our car but were brought to a halt by a crowd of people gathered on the Green, obviously waiting for something to happen. We’re like most Brits, I’m afraid, can’t resist a good queue, so we found a space to accommodate one husband, one mobility scooter and three hairy, wet dogs and watched with interest as a sort-of slow-moving flash mob began. One chap unloaded chairs, another brought music stands and lots more carried instruments, to quote “The Music Man”, of every shape and size, until the Green was covered with the CAMC Concert Band. We were really excited as we had never seen or, more importantly, heard them before, so we settled in for the treat to come, and what a treat it was. From the “get up and dance “rhythm of the Galopede, to the bouncy singalong “Amarillo “and many more, the musicians delighted everyone with their excellent musicianship and obvious enthusiasm.

All around us, in just about every language you can imagine, we heard “merveilleux”, “wunderbar,” “super”, “meraviglioso” and even “ subarashi!” I couldn’t hear what the guy in the cork-trimmed hat was saying on the other side of the crowd, but I think it might have been “Good on you, Cobber!” Chris the conductor had all the moves and would not have looked out of place at the Last Night of the Proms, while the band themselves, smart in their burgundy waistcoats, blew until their cheeks ached!

We were lucky enough to stand next to Chris’s wife Rachel, who was a mine of information. The band gives their time voluntarily, including transport costs, provision of music and equipment, and will welcome any aspiring bandsman to their ranks. Rehearsals can be difficult, but are often arranged around other events, rallies etc, and move around the country so the travelling time is shared as equally as possible. At present, the ages of the musicians range from 9 years old to old enough to know better, and they all truly enjoy their time sharing their talents with like-minded individuals

Our dogs are not musically inclined, and certainly did not enjoy Band President Ian’s virtuoso performance on his huge kettle drums, so we had to go on our way, but the sight and sounds of that glorious sunny afternoon will stay with us for a long time to come, and if you should get the opportunity to see these wonderful people, take it with both hands; I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Google map showing location of Bourton-on-the-Water, Cheltenham, UK

brue commented on 15/09/2022 20:08

Commented on 15/09/2022 20:08

We enjoyed hearing their rehearsals at one of the previous National Rallies, we were parked up near them so it was a bit of a bonus. smile

Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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Photo of Wast Water, Lake District by Sue Peace
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