The Big France Trip - Summer 2014

This story happened on: 04/09/2014

It's really difficult to give the details of our visit to France this year as we did so much.  As photo's are the main aim of this 'story', and as it is difficult to add photos to the main text,  I will add them in the reply boxes below.  Look at the date below and scroll down to the reply boxes and look for the appropriate date.  Hope some of the photos and comments might inspire someone to visit some of the places on our list.  Fingers crossed that this works!!!  Add any comments and questions and I will do my best to answer.

20 July SUNDAY Travel from Polesworth to Folkestone Eurotunnel Terminal.  Train at 10.26pm.  Travel through the night to Gueret, La Creuse.
21 July MONDAY (Gueret, France) Travel from Eurotunnel Terminal at Calais to Gueret - arr. Approx 2pm
22 July TUESDAY (Gueret, France) Visit Sous-Parsat Church and Franseches/Masgot
23 July WEDNESDAY (Gueret, France)  Visit sister and brother-in-law at Fresselines
24 July THURSDAY (Gueret, France) Visit Benevent-L'Abbaye and Cascade des Jarrauds
25 July FRIDAY (Aubignan) Travel from Gueret to Camping Le Bregoux, Aubignan, France
26 July SATURDAY (Aubignan) Visit Mont Ventoux
27 July SUNDAY (Aubignan) Visit Vaison La Romaine
28 July MONDAY (Aubignan) Visit Rousillion, drive to Bonnieux, Lacoste, Menerbes
29 July TUESDAY (Aubignan) Visit Orange
30 July WEDNESDAY (Frejus) Travel from Aubignan to Frejus: Caravanning L'Etoile d'Argens
31 July THURSDAY (Frejus)  Visit some 'old haunts' in the locality.
1 August FRIDAY (Frejus) Day at Campsite
2 August SATURDAY (Frejus) Visit Grand Canyon du Verdon
3 August SUNDAY (Frejus) Day at Campsite
4 August MONDAY (Frejus) Visit Mons
5 August TUESDAY (Frejus) Day at Campsite
6 August WEDNESDAY (Frejus) a.m. campsite; p.m St Raphael beach
7 August THURSDAY (Frejus) Visit Madonne D'Utelle & Gorge de la Vesubie
8 August FRIDAY (Frejus) Day at Campsite - picnic lunch out
9 August  SATURDAY (Frejus) Day in Monaco
10 August SUNDAY (Frejus) a.m. campsite; p.m St Raphael beach
11 August MONDAY (Frejus) Visit Gourdon
12 August TUESDAY (Frejus) Day at Campsite - picnic lunch out
13 August WEDNESDAY (Neydens) Travel from Frejus to La Columbiere
14 August THURSDAY (Neydens) Visit Old Bridge at Cruiselles and La Saleve
15 August FRIDAY (Neydens) Visit Yvoire
16 August SATURDAY (Neydens) Vist Lake Annecy
17 August SUNDAY (Neydens) Visit Geneva & Switzerland
18 August MONDAY (La Rochette, Melun) Travel from La Columbiere to Camping La Belle Etoile, Quai Maréchal Joffre, La Rochette, France
19 August TUESDAY (La Rochette) Carol & Anna visit Paris
20 August WEDNESDAY (La Rochette) Visit Gorges d'Apremont, towns on the Seine
21 August THURSDAY (Chalon-en-Champagne) Travel from La Rochette to Chalons-en-Champagne
22 August FRIDAY (Chalon-en-Champagne) Visit Epernay and Champagne Route (Vets @ 17h.30)
23 August SATURDAY (Chalon-en-Champagne) Day at Campsite - picnic lunch out.  Pack up day.
24 August SUNDAY Travel from Chalons-en-Champagne to Calais.  Eurotunnel 10.50pm
25 August MONDAY Travel through the nigh from Eurotunnel to Home

Now for the details and photos.........


DSB commented on 04/09/2014 13:48

Commented on 04/09/2014 13:48

22 July TUESDAY (Gueret, France) Visit Sous-Parsat Church and Franseches/Masgot

At Gueret the site was fairly ordinary, but adequate for our needs.  We were on their for a few day, but it did feel a little like being in the jungle.  Toilets were clean and bread was available on order from reception.  Visitors tended to use the site for short stays.

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We had heard that the church at Sous-Parsat had unusual internal decorations, so we just had to go and see for ourselves.  From the outside it looked like any other church:

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......but the painting on the inside were just a bit startling, if not disturbing.  Sorry the quality is poor.  Camera out of battery, so relied on the phone camera:

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The Franseches/Masgot village was notes for one of it's former sculptor residents who thought it a good idea to share his sculptors around the village:

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DSB commented on 04/09/2014 14:04

Commented on 04/09/2014 14:04

24 July THURSDAY (Gueret, France) Visit Benevent-L'Abbaye and Cascade des Jarrauds

The town of Benevent-L'Abbaye was a quiet place - probably something to do with the fact that we went there at about lunchtime.

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The abbey itself was worth a look... and a useful means of getting a bit of shade from the midday sun.

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It was a bit of a drive to the Cascade des Jarrauds, but we had a nice stroll down the valley to the waterfall and passed a house who also had a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, so spent a little time in conversation with the residents.

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DSB commented on 04/09/2014 14:16

Commented on 04/09/2014 14:16

25 July FRIDAY (Aubignan) Travel from Gueret to Camping Le Bregoux, Aubignan, France
26 July SATURDAY (Aubignan) Visit Mont Ventoux

It was a long journey from Gueret to Aubignan in N. Provence, but we decided to go for it in one day rather to break our journey.

If you have never been to Mt Ventoux, it is really worth the drive,  The views from the top are fantastic, but it is busy up there and sometimes difficult to park.

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The memorial to Tom Simpson who lost his life during the Tour de France...

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...and back to Aubignan via Sault, to drive through the lavendar fields

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DSB commented on 04/09/2014 14:30

Commented on 04/09/2014 14:30

27 July SUNDAY (Aubignan) Visit Vaison La Romaine

Vaison La Romaine has had it's fair share of floods in years gone by, but it still keeps its charm...

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...the market place....

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and some of the Roman remains.....

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If you are into colourful pots, Provence is the place to go...

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DSB commented on 04/09/2014 14:47

Commented on 04/09/2014 14:47

28 July MONDAY (Aubignan) Visit Rousillion, drive to Bonnieux, Lacoste, Menerbes

We just had to visit some of the villages frequented and written about by Peter Mayle in his book A Year in Provence...

Roussillon, famous for it's ochre

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- a really busy tourist destination

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and Bonnieux

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DSB commented on 04/09/2014 15:06

Commented on 04/09/2014 15:06

29 July TUESDAY (Aubignan) Visit Orange

When we visited the amphitheatre in Orange they were preparing for an opera performance in the evening.  Certanly worth the visit, and the dog was allowed to go in the main area (but not the inside museum) - plenty to see, but we had a little rain while we were there....

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We really enjoyed this return visit to Camping Le Bregoux in Aubignan, and the pitch we had was really big.  Time for one final photo before we pack up and get on our journey to Frejus tomorrow

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DSB commented on 04/09/2014 15:19

Commented on 04/09/2014 15:19

30 July WEDNESDAY (Frejus) Travel from Aubignan to Frejus: Caravanning L'Etoile d'Argens

A short journey today, but that gave us chance to relax and set up the caravan slowly for our two weeks stay ay L'Etoile Argens, just outside Frejus.

31 July THURSDAY (Frejus)  Another quiet day, but we did have a drive out up into the Bagnols Forest for lunch and a wonderful view over the beautiful Argens Valley

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Roquebraune in the distance

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Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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Photo of Wast Water, Lake District by Sue Peace
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