Dougal's Dog Blog - Wyatts Covert, Denham, W London

This story happened on: 15/09/2014

September 2014

Hello again Dog Blog Fans,

We've been back on the road and spent a lovely couple of days at the select and exclusive Wyatts Covert site in Denham. The Human that I own loved the fact that it was so easy to access from the M25/M40, so we managed to arrive without those little veins in the side of his head pounding like they sometimes do. Even better was the warm welcome from the lovely wardens, who even came and guided him into his pitch as I'm not a lot of good at that kind of thing. I've never seen him so relaxed by the time it came to unhitching!

The Sites Directory warns of noise from the adjacent aerodrome, and indeed there were a lot of little planes and helicopters buzzing about, but it didn't really bother us. Put it this way, the buzzing died down early evening and certainly didn't wake us in the morning.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Rather than bemoan the aerodrome, we walked the 10 minutes from site to the Crew Room Cafe. I could tag along and watch the planes too, as there was outside seating. The nice cafe man even brought me a bowl of water!  The Human that I Own enjoyed his posh Illy coffee (or did he say 'Silly Coffee?') and million calorie cakage.

There's no dog walk on site (boo!) but there is woodland on either side (hurray!). Therefore it was a minute or two's walk from the site gates to get to an area where I could... well, you know, what us dogs prefer to do in the privacy of some long grass.

The lovely wardens told us about a 90 minute walk which takes in the canal and a nice pub called The Coy Carp. Needless to say, the word 'pub' caught somebody's attention.

It was a pleasant enough walk, but the Human did at times mumble 'I've been on better.' Well, what do you expect in the West of London? I think he's been spoiled in Scotland. His mood picked up when we got to the pub on a glorious sunny afternoon. It was just as well it was sunny, as The Coy Carp must be the only canalside pub in the area that does NOT allow dogs inside. Huh! The cheek of it. So while Himself is at an outside table wolfing down a 'delicious' feta and bean burger and supping on a pint of Doombar, this poor little thirsty canine wasn't even offered a bowl of water. He was mightily impressed. I, on the other hand, wasn't.

Sadly this means that, despite the good walking, Wyatt's Covert only gets a 3/5 (three out of five) bone rating from me. It's more of a '4' on a sunny day, and a '3' on days that aren't nice to eat outside, so there's no need to avoid it if you are a pooch that tags your humans along on your travels.

Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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Photo of Wast Water, Lake District by Sue Peace
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