Dougal's Dog Blog. Entry 14: Crossways, Dorset

This story happened on: 12/06/2012

Sadly we said goodbye to Cornwall, and The Human That I Own took me and the Tin Can on Wheels to what he called the 'Famous' Club Site at Crossways in Dorset.


Apparently the loos for Humans are something special. They don't use water… the waste treatment happens all organically right underneath the loo block. 'It makes so much sense in so many ways' explained Mr Green-Around-the-Ears as I looked at him with my well-practised 'What on Earth Are You On About?' look. You Humans owned by dogs know exactly the look that I am on about.

Crossways was like no other Club Site we have ever seen. We both agreed it's gorgeous! It's more like lovely little clearings in woodland than it is a caravan park. And, the Human tells me, you'd never know that the loos are of the composting variety. There's no odour at all as that's all taken care of with carefully managed airflow. Clever! And, of course, they were as clean and shiny as are all Club Site Facilities.

But what of the doggie facilities?

Well, I am happy to report that there is an on-site dog walk through the trees which takes about five to ten minutes to complete at a slow pace. There was room enough for me to let the Human off the lead while I went off sniffing.

As I'm dictating, the Human is jabbering away that he wants to add a couple of points. First of all, you'd only let a dog wander if you can control and keep an eye on him or her, as there is deep water in the adjacent quarry. Secondly, he wants to tell you other Humans that the ground underfoot on the dog walk can be very uneven and slippery, so Humans and pooches who aren't so strong on their legs may find it a little hazardous. But I loved it!

Just down the road is a pub but we didn't get the chance to go there. Why? Because Crossways is possibly the most convenient site on the network for accessing the train network. Moreton station is bang next door with frequent trains to Weymouth and Bournemouth. But where did we have to go? Blooming London! That's the attached picture of me on the Tube, not enjoying the fresh air and open spaces of Dorset. I was quite prepared to sulk all the way home, but luckily for the Human a group of extremely charming Spanish Language Students took the same train back as us and I made loads of new friends.

So we didn't get as much chance to enjoy Crossways as we would have liked. But that corner of the Sites Directory is now definitely folded over with a muddy paw mark.

Crossways' score so far is 3 bones out of 5, but might raise to 4 when we get a chance to check it out in a little more depth. And that is definitely something to look forward to!

the2ps commented on 25/08/2012 13:01

Commented on 25/08/2012 13:01

hello dougal, we are off to dorset and devon with the twoleggeds and we are staying at monktonwyld dorset and ross park devon. we wondered if you had any info for us i.e. are they really really doggy friendly.? hope to bump into you some time as we are hoping to do alot of traveling now we convinced the humans that caravanning was the way to do it. yours sincerley saffy and misty.....

Dougal commented on 20/09/2012 15:48

Commented on 20/09/2012 15:48

Hi Saffy and Misty, no sadly I don't know those two sites. Hopefully we will bump into each other and you can tell us how you got on!

Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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