virgin awning putter uppers

This story happened on: 23/08/2014

I was just thinking today that it is actually a year ago today that we had our first experience of awnings. People had warned us that arguements would happen, i was so nervous pulling into the caravan site looking for pitches with not a lot of people about so we could get the awning up before people started laughing, no such luck, so after a bottle of beer each we felt we were ready for the humiliation that would follow. We haven't laughed as much and met some wonderful lovely people all sharing their first experiences of putting the awning up for the first time. After a year we have it down to an art now, always with beer in hand of course and seeing people in the same situation we were in 1 year ago. (we always help of course) How things have changed we still laugh about it with fellow caravanners.

Lol Deb's




GypsyDreams commented on 25/08/2014 10:40

Commented on 25/08/2014 10:40

I'm sure most of us have suffered the same intial trepidation erecting the awning for the first time in the full glare of our fellow caravanners.  We had  our first awning experience, now some years ago at what was "The Covert".  After a few hours of stuggle we had errected something resembling a shanty town stucture, but we were very proud of ourselves.

Several times through the process the warden had passed on his little tractor, simply smilling at us in a knowing way.  When we had finished he passed again and simply said, "First time eh!. Well done"  He had obviously seen this many times before.  The moral of the tale?  If you are feeling embarrased by your first attempt don't be, we have all been there, and it's supprising how quickly you become adept.



Grant2861 commented on 25/08/2014 11:59

Commented on 25/08/2014 11:59

We have been caravaning and errecting awnings for over 25 years and this year we switched to a small porch awning. Well, in this 2014 season I have dragged the awning through the slot upside down i.e. roof inside and on another accassion errected it with one of the outer poles in the middle. 

I hadn't been drinking, I just put the awning up on auto-pilot now which means I must have looked like a newbie. You gotta laugh...

Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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