Liz L
Reviewed on 06/11/2016 20:08
Liz L
Reviewed on 06/11/2016 20:08
Posted on 12/04/2017 15:07
I am sorry to hear that you did not enjoy your stay on Château Le Verdoyer, please know that in the future if you do experience problems on our campsites you can call us and we would always be happy to help. I passed your comments on to the site, please see the reply from the owner below:
Reply from Château Le Verdoyer
I am sorry to read all your negative points, and am surprised these ring not a bell to me. Which make me think that you did not come to tell me (i am Floris, the owner).
I could certainely have helpe on several of these : we had a nice and long season, and the men, as the materiel have been very tired. a shower that does not work properly can happen, and if guests tell us, we are able to fix those, as the electricity tripping. Sharing a box is not normal : was there a reason ? was the campsite full (i don't remember this happening in spetember...) ?
Indeed in low season, we close the reception to go and work in the restaurant. but we are always happy to welcome any guests, sometimes up till 10 or 11pm.
The free wine is a mistake. If you have the right to one, we should have given it... the person at the reception must have forgotten... but same question as earlier : did you explain why you should have one ? did you ask for the owner ?
And finally : you will be pleased to read that we just installed a new terrace around the pool. it was indeed needed... but again, if you had told me about, i would have been more than happy to explain you.
Best regards