12 replies
Tinwheeler replied on 27/07/2019 17:54
Posted on 27/07/2019 17:54
I assume the on site shop you refer to is the items on sale in Reception. If so, these are supplied by the warden staff and paid for from their own pockets out of the goodness of their hearts. It’s the same on all club sites and cards cannot be used to make purchases as it’s not funded by the club.
1 person likes this
Whittakerr replied on 27/07/2019 18:27
Tinwheeler replied on 27/07/2019 18:41
Aitch22 replied on 30/07/2019 19:31
Posted on 27/07/2019 17:54 by TinwheelerI assume the on site shop you refer to is the items on sale in Reception. If so, these are supplied by the warden staff and paid for from their own pockets out of the goodness of their hearts. It’s the same on all club sites and cards cannot be used to make purchases as it’s not funded by the club.
Posted on 30/07/2019 19:31
So, they could also invest (for a modest amount) in one of these: https://sumup.co.uk/ - connects via most Smartphones - and also take plastic? If anything, it would potentially increase their sales?? To my mind, there's not really any good reason to be 'cash only' in 2019. Rule #1 of Sales: 'Don't make it hard for your clients to transact with you...' ;-)
JVB66 replied on 30/07/2019 19:40
Posted on 30/07/2019 19:31 by Aitch22So, they could also invest (for a modest amount) in one of these: https://sumup.co.uk/ - connects via most Smartphones - and also take plastic? If anything, it would potentially increase their sales?? To my mind, there's not really any good reason to be 'cash only' in 2019. Rule #1 of Sales: 'Don't make it hard for your clients to transact with you...' ;-)
Posted on 30/07/2019 19:40
I think cash is still king in thousands of small and even medium size outlets ,yet to find a mobile ice cream or fish and chip vans that visit sites or many market traders who take cards as mobile signals are not good in thousand of places also,
Ps just remembered they take cards in the very large and busy Ferry Meadows site
Tinwheeler replied on 30/07/2019 19:47
Posted on 30/07/2019 19:31 by Aitch22So, they could also invest (for a modest amount) in one of these: https://sumup.co.uk/ - connects via most Smartphones - and also take plastic? If anything, it would potentially increase their sales?? To my mind, there's not really any good reason to be 'cash only' in 2019. Rule #1 of Sales: 'Don't make it hard for your clients to transact with you...' ;-)
moulesy replied on 30/07/2019 19:51
Aitch22 replied on 30/07/2019 19:52
Posted on 30/07/2019 19:52
Device currently cost £19...and has zero monthly fee. Charges 1.69% on transactions...personally, I'd be happy to pay (say) 5% on top, simply to be able to avoid carrying cash...if sites are aiming to attract the younger generation, increasingly they're 'actively cashless' - as am I.
Tinwheeler replied on 30/07/2019 20:00
replied on 30/07/2019 20:14
Posted on 30/07/2019 19:31 by Aitch22So, they could also invest (for a modest amount) in one of these: https://sumup.co.uk/ - connects via most Smartphones - and also take plastic? If anything, it would potentially increase their sales?? To my mind, there's not really any good reason to be 'cash only' in 2019. Rule #1 of Sales: 'Don't make it hard for your clients to transact with you...' ;-)
Posted on 30/07/2019 20:14
So, they could also invest (for a modest amount) in one of these: https://sumup.co.uk/
Why would they?
Like many I suspect I am likely to buy little from the onsite reception on any site. Possibly an ice cream, occasionally a gas refill and maybe a rare pasty on some sites. If they only accept cash then how likely am I to drive 2 miles to buy an ice cream to bring back to site on a hot day? Am I likely to drive five miles for a gas refill when available on site for cash?