April 2015
Spent three days on this site in April 2015. Arrived soon after 1pm and had to stand and wait for several minutes while the four staff discussed their personal social arrangements before we could book in. The previous check-in had to come back in and ask someone to raise the barrier to let them through. Allocated a pitch near the road which seemed to be being used as a motorcycle race track. The resident peacock spent its time in an empty pitch opposite ours and acted as an alarm clock at daybreak each day!
Beware, this site does not use club wifi and charges £10 for the three days we were there. This is equivalent to about 50 times the £25 a year we pay for club wifi.
The MSP is on the exit road. For some reason the grey waste manhole is close to the side of the road so, if your 'van has the waste pipe on the driver's side, you have to turn it round to dump waste water. This is not easy because the road is quite narrow and, of course, can be busy when you are leaving.
Although the site is quite pretty and the facilities reasonable, I cannot recommend it.
Reviewed on 01/05/2015 21:38