Rated 4 of 5

Rated 5 of 5

Peace and quiet

Rated 5 of 5

Facilities and cleanliness

Rated 5 of 5


Rated 5 of 5

Good for families

Great site but some uncaring dog owners

This is a great site in a perfect location and the wardens are friendly and helpful. However although I am an avid dog lover, there is becoming a lack of consideration among several dog owners that seem to like having their dogs on extendable leads., They allow them to stretch in some cases over 5 metres plus, with the result that they wander on various pitches and foul pitches or grass areas,or use the awning as a lampost. There is also a growing tendency for dogs to be off lead near caravans with the result that dogs go chasing people or other dogs. The reponse from dog owners is always 'sorry about that',but It is most unpleasant when this happens outside your caravan especially when eating. At the time of our visit there seem to be more dogs that people on site with some caravanners having four dogs or more,which they found hard to control It is also clear that there are many people that are nervous around dogs and the new two metre lead rule should be reminded to dog owners on entry to the site. This is a growing concern on club sites and it is a pity that some dog owners let the majority down

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Arrivakids replied on 08/06/2018 10:38

Posted on 08/06/2018 10:38

This is a  Problem and i do think people are taking more dogs away with them. I have two mine are small but that does not mean to say they are any less problem than the larger dog. I do not like these extender leads they can cause accidents. If your dog cannot be let off the lead i understand why people use these kind of leads but i would of thought they would be used in an area with lots of space and not many people and dogs around. Should we have a  rule that no more than two dogs per outfit .Then we could say only two Children per outfit. 

Its down to the owners at the end of the day , noisy dogs and children are a pain sometimes but we would not be without them so we all have to get along common sense is all that is needed so we can all enjoy our time outdoors.


JVB66 replied on 08/06/2018 12:48

Posted on 08/06/2018 12:48

It is because of the "problems"you have encountered by the inconsiderate few that the latest amendment to the length of leads now permitted on site has been reduced to 2mtrs max length as per the notice in this months magazine

artel replied on 11/07/2018 12:51

Posted on 11/07/2018 12:51

Recently returned from Southport and yes there did seem to be a significant number of inconsiderate people excersising their dogs on site, despite good dog walks outside every exit and also using extending leads at full stretch. I wonder how many of these people actually know the maximum lead length is two meters as the leaflet handed out on arrival only states “ dogs on leads”. It did seem also that site staff seemed to turn a blind eye to this, if I could notice someone walking their dogs about at the end of a 5m extending lead then I’m sure they must have noticed it as well. 

jack rabbit replied on 25/08/2018 11:43

Posted on 25/08/2018 11:43

Arrivakids said that if we were to limit the number of dogs per camper perhaps we should Limit the number of children as well ! Children don’t normally go around useing other people’s pitches as a toilet.

And YES, dogs should be on a very short lead all of the time.