4 replies
JVB66 replied on 19/09/2020 18:44
sunlovers replied on 20/09/2020 13:04
Posted on 20/09/2020 13:04
I agree , we do take our own sanitizer, and do not rely on OTHERS, but not everyone is so prepared as us . As I said every CL had made the effort to help prevent the spread of CORVIC , I would have thought the CMHC would lead by example and do EVERYTHING the could to help contain the virus. I know some commercial sites fall below standard but this is supposed to be a CLUB that does all it can for members welfare.
hywelsycharth replied on 28/09/2020 17:02
Posted on 28/09/2020 17:02
Most people would probably take their own sanitizer with them and if the Club did provide for every service point some supplies might be appropriated accidentally or otherwise. Club members are responsible adults not kindergarten children and should be able to look after themselves.