Enjoyable despite upgrading and toilet block closed, BUT.....
Picking up on a previous reviewer's comment about Wi-Fi, am I the only one to be thoroughly irritated by the club's Wi-Fi package whereby only one device is allowed at a time? How many individual members have only one Wi-Fi device and given that most people staying at club sites will be couples or families, how many of these will be using only one Wi-Fi device? It is such a nuisance to have to logout of one device in order to use another, and on some devices virtually impossible, meaning that one has to wait a few hours to be automatically logged out.
I can understand the club being careful not to allow unlimited devices to be used by one account but surely to allow two or three would not drastically affect the club's coffers? Failing that, could we not have a heavily discounted second and third (or more) wifi package linked to the first? Or best of all, as others have mentioned, with (I imagine) pretty well every member wishing to use wifi on site, why not make it a free and integral part, and perk, of the club membership, even if the annual club fee then has to go up by a pound or two?
On the club's Wifi page, it says "We are constantly reviewing performance and grading performance and grading of our Wi-Fi provision in line with customer feedback". If you want to waste a good couple of hours, you try finding a link to use to give feedback. I did and I couldn't!