Great place to stay.
Lovely site in wonderful condition, love the radio in the toilet block although there are far too many washing cubicals which could be used as toilets/showers. The number of urinals is also excessive.
A regular service bus can take you to Looe/Plymouth and stops at the entrance.
Many of the hard standing pitches are situated at the bottom of the site and I was surprised that not only are they not level from side to side but many are a surprising distance to walk from the toilet block/chemical toilet emptying point. A footpath from pitch145 to the block will solve the problem.
On many occasions I have tried to book a hard standing pitch on Club sites only to be told that I could not do this. Imagine my surprise when I booked into this site only to be told that I could not go onto hard standing pitches 205 to 217, prime pitches, as they were booked for a golf society. As far as I can tell these pitches were only used for one night. Have the rules change? Is this fair to Members?