The best way to enjoy your caravan today!
I am finding it difficult to say something that conveys just how perfect a place to spend a holiday or a short break this site is. Others have said it all but the elevated position, slightly sloping with such fantastic views and together with the openness give this site a jewel like quality. The layout of the top area provides this and the smaller bottom enclosure provides a more conventional layout if that is what you want.
The whole site is immaculately kept and the absence of toilet and shower blocks a real treat. Here you do not have to watch the unsightly parade of half dressed bodies parading around then latter staggering back and forwards with pots & dirty dishes. Why pay £20,000 to £30,000 for all these facilities in your own van and then demand the same on every site. If that is what some people want then I have no argument but I do object to having to pay for their preferences. Don't tell me to go to CL's etc because I do but I also like to go WHERE I WANT TO and that includes full facility sites. If you want expensive facilities please pay for them. We are not a camping club, tents are generally not allowed.