3 replies
atcloudspeakers replied on 02/08/2021 09:39
Posted on 02/08/2021 09:39
I totally agree with your review. We stopped going to Ferry Meadows a few years back for exactly the same reason youHave described. I’ve complained directly to the CAMC about the attitude of the wardens, but clearly they have not taken note nor done anything about it.
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Kizzy 11 replied on 07/08/2021 23:07
Posted on 07/08/2021 23:07
I agree entirely, having visited many times over the past few years, we last visited in June this year and there are new wardens on site. Very authoritarian and watch your every move. An elderly gentleman approached us as we were setting up to say he had been shouted at by a female warden when pitching up, he'd been caravanning for many years and felt embarrassed and angry to be shouted at in that way. He won't be returning. A warden also had words with us about how we were pitched, as we have photo's of two previous visits, parked in exactly the same way, on the same pitch with no problem, he said that's why previous wardens weren't there anymore. We felt there was an uncomfortable atmosphere with other campers due to the wardens attitude.
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lavenderbof replied on 04/09/2021 23:57
Posted on 04/09/2021 23:57
I have loved thus site for years Arrived weds to be told the main site toilets were closed problem with septic tank but expected to be repaired in a couple of hours had to use toilet block across the road told the next day it would be Friday so moved to the other side ( I'm 80 years old) went shopping camd back to find this side toilet block also similar problem. A man in a wheelchair pushed himself j over to ask and was told didn't know when they would be opened. One service toilet left open for 100 plus caravans and the floor was swimming. We left and went to clumber park hitched up twice parked up twice in one day @ 80 years old drive 145 miles home the next day. Just glad to be out of a nightmare and covid free
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