3 replies
MartinandHeather replied on 05/03/2019 12:54
Posted on 05/03/2019 12:54
No excuse for poop to be done on other people's pitches, but we have an unneutered male dog who 'scents' everywhere. It is virtually impossible to stop him lifting his leg against a post or tree and dragging him along on the end of his lead is not an option. Sorry if this offends.
Tinwheeler replied on 05/03/2019 13:09
Posted on 05/03/2019 12:54 by MartinandHeatherNo excuse for poop to be done on other people's pitches, but we have an unneutered male dog who 'scents' everywhere. It is virtually impossible to stop him lifting his leg against a post or tree and dragging him along on the end of his lead is not an option. Sorry if this offends.
huskydog replied on 05/03/2019 13:37
Posted on 05/03/2019 12:54 by MartinandHeatherNo excuse for poop to be done on other people's pitches, but we have an unneutered male dog who 'scents' everywhere. It is virtually impossible to stop him lifting his leg against a post or tree and dragging him along on the end of his lead is not an option. Sorry if this offends.