2 replies
alwaysannoyed replied on 26/09/2019 09:09
Posted on 26/09/2019 09:09
If shrubs and trees have been pruned or cut down to allow more sunlight in then I'm all in favour. Many sites have now grown very thick and tall screens around and in, which means that when sunlight is at a premium in spring and autumn you can be pitched in a cold dark place. All sites should be reviewed for clearing!
Annier17 replied on 01/10/2019 10:13
Posted on 01/10/2019 10:13
Had 2 visits this year and 1 last year and was delighted with the site! I meet up with my daughter who is semi disabled and her only disappointment was that she could not use the dog walk (for after dark walks) this year due to the fact that her scooter could not cope with the new bark chippings that had been used to freshen it.. Thank goodness there seemed to be fewer rabbits this year - I have a Jack Russell - say no more. Many thanks to all for three lovely holidays. Anneer17