17 replies
the2alis replied on 07/01/2019 22:12
Tinwheeler replied on 07/01/2019 22:28
JVB66 replied on 07/01/2019 22:33
Posted on 07/01/2019 22:12 by the2alisI thought highly of caravan club & its members. Not so sure now. Dated that’s all I can say!!! As a female member & reading reply’s to my post I’m disgusted by the unhelpful & derogatory reply’s.
Posted on 07/01/2019 22:33
I have not read any derogatory replies only the sensible solutions that the majority of members (without playing the female card),apply on most club sites and other companies who consider that lighting levels are supposed to be background and in other areas that it is needed,
replied on 08/01/2019 08:12
Posted on 07/01/2019 22:12 by the2alisI thought highly of caravan club & its members. Not so sure now. Dated that’s all I can say!!! As a female member & reading reply’s to my post I’m disgusted by the unhelpful & derogatory reply’s.
Posted on 08/01/2019 08:12
You want higher levels of lighting. I don't but do not consider myself disgusting for having such preferences.
I consider lighting around toilet blocks to be necessary for some - me included. But elsewhere I dislike needless lighting.
I think that you are very unkind calling me dated. I try and forget my advancing years
huskydog replied on 08/01/2019 08:51
Posted on 08/01/2019 08:51
The way I see it (with a torch) is that there is too much light pollution everywhere , around toilet blocks low level lighting is fine , but IMO not needed around the site , we have just come back from a site in the New Forrest (Setthorns) and not a light to be seen , perfect for looking at the star's, and everyone managed to find the water taps and bins etc , no one got run over or walked in to trees , so as I say IMO no problem
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replied on 11/02/2019 21:10
Posted on 07/01/2019 21:49 by the2alisYeah & so do I as a dog owner but high prices deserve all facilities being available despite time of year. I think I’m only being fair in expecting high standards from the caravan club and ? We’re all entitled to an opinion but if you were attacked on a dark site would you all be saying where’s the problem!! Mmmm I think not & not everyone is expecting it to be dark when they arrive. Get real it’s 2019 not 1969!!!
Navigateur replied on 11/02/2019 21:26
Posted on 11/02/2019 21:26
I do not want lights all over a site. In fact, I would be very happy at no lights at all until someone approaches the toilet block, waste point, etc and then a low level of light directed downwards.
I am on holiday and want to see the stars and moon (even if "tossed upon cloudy seas"), watch the colours in the sunset, and sunrise. See the night flight of birds, bats and insects.
Light pollution is now seen as a serious matter. Lighting is being removed from some stretches of motorway, and switched off outside peak hours on others. "Dark skies" is being activly promoted by many organisation - The Caravan Club included. Even when on a CL with no lighting I often do not use a torch - simply close the caravan door on the lights inside and shut my eyes for 20 seconds so that they adjust to darkness, and then wonder at all the things I can see when I open them again.