Perfect & very spacious
This was our first time with CAMC. At first it was a bit daunting as were told we could choose our own pitch (numbers marked on a white stick) once we had our pitch to go back & let the booking in guy our number) so went round the 1way system about 4 times until we found the best pitch for our micro tourer GoPod. (not sure if this is the normal procedure but we’ll soon find out on our other adventures) All of the pitches were great, so it was a hard choice. Everything was spotless & all the staff were very pleasant. I liked the little fairy & elf gardens next the toilet blocks especially at night when they all lit up. The site had a great information room too & a lovely seating area outside the reception area. We had a lovely walk to the promenade on our first night, a great day out in Edinburgh on our 2nd day & a walk around the Royal Botanical Gardens on our 3rd day. All within a short drive from the site. All in all it was a perfect short break. I would highly recommend this site to anyone.
Reviewed on 26/09/2021 19:22