An excellent site with lots to do
Having been to this site once before we knew what to expect when we returned, the site is big with lots of pitches and excellent facilities, we took our grand children and they had a great time cycling safely around the site, playing with other children and using the play park. We cycled along the marine esplanade which is about two miles long which was traffic free and great for the girls.
The weather was changeable so we spent most of the time in Edinburgh, the bus route is nearby and a family day ticket costs £8.50 which is great value. We did the sites in Edinburgh being Historic Scotland and Scottish National Trust members the entrance fee was included in our fees, and the Museums in Edinburgh are free, so the costs were minimal which meant we could "splash out" on meals. Took the girls on the tram which was an experience and a bit of shopping in Princes Street suited the ladies.
There is so much to do in Edinburgh that a few more visits will be needed. A perfect site for exploring the capital.