Tip top for 2017
Always a well situated site we have visited many times. Mercifully, not the all-to-common mass conversion of pitches to hard-standing - we always prefer grass- apart from anything else, using awning pegs is a doddle.
A big, big welcome to the new Wardens! Would not have been difficult to better the previous incumbents, but the fresh blood scores 10/10...
The previous "management" succumbed to a request by some member/members request for musak in the Toilet Block! And it still blares out pop 24hrs a day in 2017. Oh dear, surely we want to get away from the din of daily life...when on site. Like it or not, kids amusing themselves, dogs barking(ugh!) and raucous sundown parties are quite enough.
Reviewed on 05/04/2017 15:29