Great welcome and site but...
This is an excellent site, just as all caravan clubs are. It is handy if you are in transit as it's close to the A1M. All facilities, such as supermarkets are close by, with the additional advantages of reasonable access to London and Cambridge.
The wardens are lovely people, who always make you feel welcome.
However, I do feel it a little remiss of the club to fail to notify us of quite major electrical work being done whilst we were on site. Our first morning dawned with the electricity being cut off at 8.30am. Checking the cause, we found workmen disconnecting and digging up our hookup! Bad! Not only was our kettle on for our morning cuppa, but the workmen never even told us. Unhappy campers! This whole scenario continued throughout our stay. Access to electricity was intermittent throughout our stay. We took the warning sign in the toilets seriously and removed ourselves from the site from 9am to 6pm on the Saturday 17th Jan. Thank the big man in the ether that we were due to leave soon as we suffered more power cuts - which a new sign in the toilets indicated would last until 28th Jan.
Surely work of this nature is scheduled in advance and so potential customers could have been advised?
Commons Wood 5 - Caravan Club systems 0