2 replies
CJDM replied on 11/12/2019 18:49
Posted on 11/12/2019 18:49
Hi. Was the powercut CMC's fault? If not, I wouldn't expect an apology but would expect a notice confirming that the fault was with the supplier.
Regarding those poor souls with a burnt out m/h. Hopefully they weren't hurt. However, wouldn't the presence of a fire-engine, probably with blue lights and no doubt several fire-fighters have been a better warning to other site users than a warden waving his/her arms around? If the fire engine had gone, then there wouldn't have been any danger to avoid. Also, why would the wardens want to ask if everyone was alright, or do you mean suffering from shock in some way? If so, then it should be the affected approaching the wardens, not the other way around.
Finally, access to Chatsworth will always be a nightmare. However, I don't agree with guests pitching up first and then reporting to reception. If one of the visitors hadn't booked, drove in and pitched up then nobody would know until the last person arrived, drove around the site several times looking for the last pitch only to eventually realise that there weren't any! The wardens would have to then confront and evict the invader and things could be unpleasant.
So sorry hearts, but whilst I have some sympathy with your comments I think it's unfair to have expected the wardens to have responded as you would wished
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clivea replied on 07/01/2020 12:51
Posted on 07/01/2020 12:51
I agree with the comments by Even Better about the Warden's actions re the fire. They have enough responsibility in normal circumstances let alone in such a situation. If there had been the need for evacuation the Fire and Rescue Service would have asked the Wardens to arrange it. Why do people seem to think that they have to be involved in every action taking place, or provided with continuous communication. If you're not involved just stay out of the way and let those who are get on with sorting it out. Your likely need to feed Instagram or Facebook is irrelevant.
If the emergency upset you go and see a Counsellor, or better still a publican.
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