We decided to visit this site after reading a recommendation in a motor home magazine.After a rather difficult 3 hour drive we were pleased to arrive, that is when it all started to go downhill.I made an innocent mistake and pulled through the open barrier and parked up in the "wrong place".Within seconds I had 2 members of staff telling me off !! Anyway, went into reception and booked in. Contrary to some reviewers I found the staff very helpful, to the point of being patronising.Next came the incident which required the rapid response team. As frequent visitors at club sites we followed the normal ritual of taking a drive round the site , to locate a suitable pitch and to quickly use the service point to fill up with water. I soon realised I had a problem - silly me had only packed my shorter water hose, which meant the nearside tap and my offside filling point were not going to meet in the middle!. As a grown adult , who knows all about risk assessments, health and safety, how one way systems work etc, etc I carried out what they call in the trade a dynamic risk assessment, concluding that as there was no one else around, the site was quiet at the time and we needed water for a 3 night stay, yes you have guessed it I only went and carried out a really simple manoeuvre to turn around and proceeded to fill up, only to be accosted by one of the staff I had earlier obviously offended with my parking error. Give a man a yellow vest and god help us. To say he was rude and patronising is enough said,you would think I had driven around the site with my eyes closed at 60 mph. All for basically carrying out a move no more dangerous than parking on your chosen pitch. As for the site itself, I suppose if you like the constant sound of dogs barking and having to make sure you don't step in dog poo in your camping crocs this place is a must. The facilities are not as clean and well kept as other club sites. The walk into Bury town is an adventure through and past loads of litter,people in the shops in town are without doubt very helpful and friendly, including a smashing lady in the ticket office at the tram station, which we used to get into Manchester in about 35 mins on the Saturday.Tried a pint in the pub next to the site - too busy for its own good and rather dirty and the idea of people sitting down to a meal whilst great big dogs walked around inside does not give me an appetite.The railway is a superb facility to access, we had great fun travelling on old steam train at reduced cost as club members, highlight of the stay.
In conclusion folks,a site that could deliver loads but fell short for us because of the staffs over the top reaction to a moment of rule breaking, which never put anyone in danger, I understand the need for rules but please use a little common sense and context when reacting.
442 boy
Reviewed on 11/04/2018 07:33