Suited us very nicely.
This is obviously a busy working farm, and the CL site is located by the entrance so you do have tractors and other vehicles regularly go in and out. You are also parked up next to a road but, I didn't find this disturbing.
We had a lovely welcome from the owner of the site and as you go through a coded gate to get in and out, we weren't disturbed by other people
The site is situated a good walk away from Clevedon itself. We happily walked in and out on the days we stopped, but it was a good 5 mile round trip. If you're not fancying that, you'd need transport of some kind. The walk was lovely for our dog and the scenery is really excellent. I should also pint out that there are several locations in the areas where the BroadChurch TV service was filmed, something I hadn't know until we arrived.
The main reason I didn't give the full 5* is that there wasn't anywhere to leave rubbish.