Access issues
After a warm welcome whilst parked in the car park area of the holiday cottages and pottery, we were shown the narrow access track to the site which was steep and uneven and the site was on so much of a slope we would never get anywhere near level even with the aid of our ramps. The ground was also so wet that as we could see the ruts left by the previous units trying lo leave we decided to not even attempt to get into a pitch with our Motorhome. So we were offered a hard standing area in the car park next to the bins, recycling area and cottage laundry room where the views were nowhere as good as the views from the main site. We were looking at a stone wall directly in front of us but there were views to the side of us over the car park and surrounding fields.
The next day another Motorhome arrived and tried to access the site but got stuck as soon as the vehicle left the rough track.
A good location for walking directly from the site to the local villages where the pubs were friendly and provided good food
I consider this site unsuitable as a CL due to the narrow, poorly maintained access track to the site and the unacceptable slope of the pitches. I expect to be able to get the vehicle somewhere near level with the aid of ramps. There are many CL’s out there with much better access, more level pitches and suitable hard standing for less than the cost If this site.