3 replies
cody replied on 08/08/2019 08:42
Dougleberry replied on 05/04/2020 21:34
Posted on 05/04/2020 21:34
After using cls for 10 years, we have never been on a site where unruly dogs have been but many that have had friendly dogs whom we have been happy to play with our Staffy bull terrier! If a owner wants to be hard on dog owners don't have them....... no problem ! I'll stay away from this site !
Green Gilbert replied on 26/08/2021 14:55
Posted on 26/08/2021 14:55
I have just got back from a CL in Ninfield Sussex where I was attacked by a Lassie type dog despite giving it a wide berth when I went to get water. It attacked me I had to use my Aquaroll to keep it away from me shouting to the Motorhome dog owner to call its dog off me it was some minute and a half before they came out I had absolutely no apology from her !
DOGS ON LEADS MEANS DOGS ON LEADS I'm so glad Dougleberry will stay away from this CL I may well pay it a visit now !