Rated 4 of 5

Rated 5 of 5

Peace and tranquility

Rated 3 of 5

Access to local places of interest

Rated 2 of 5

Beauty of surroundings and scenery

Rated 4 of 5

Ease of arrival/welcome

Simply not the best

This is a basic clean formal site - however, it is disappointing in its formal cramped layout with limited space between hard-standings, no privacy, no screening etc. It is almost barren and featureless. There was no noticeable recycling facility. The night we stayed there were 5 other units on site (there are 6 hard-standings) and there was a further unit off the drive into the site. £25 per night is excessive for what is offered and although we had a EHU it failed to work (no problem as were have an integral solar and battery was fully charged with travelling). We stayed on another site nearby for a couple of nights which we considered to be far superior and much better value.

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