Wonderful site
The first most important thing is that, unlike some, the site is very easy to find. It is off a minor road, but there is a large, clearly visible sign, indicating Fourways Farm.
The site is flat with well trimmed grass, and very large, approximately 1.5 times the size of an average football field. The owners, Fred and his wife are extremely friendly and can be seen walking around most evenings and are available for a chat if you so wish. The hook up points are well spaced out and their attitude is that if your hook up lead is long enough, you can pitch wherever you like in the field as it is so large.
To the West end of the field is an entranceway onto what was the old railway line. It has now been covered over and is some 300yds long, providing an ideal location to let your dogs "run the bedsprings out" first thing in the morning.
A map of the area will show that there is a holiday camp/village close by and although it has a sound system, it can barely be heard and doesn't cause any problems. The main A12 is about a half mile away cross fields and can barely be heard apart from one particular rider of a yowling 2 stroke Japanese motorcycle who sounded as if he had warp drive engaged and was chasing the Star Ship Enterprise back and forth around 04.00hrs one morning.
There are some lovely beaches at Gorston and Winterton near Caister, but we found Corton beach itself to be excellent. We drove through the village towards Lowestoft, and some half mile from the outskirts of Lowestoft, found a large layby on the left next to a wood. A path through the wood, some 20yds long, led us to steps leading down onto the beach, which is a mixture of sand and shingle with sand dunes leading to the base of the low cliffs. Being 1/2 to 1mile from the Lowestoft North Beach car park, very few people can be bothered to walk that far as a result of which the beach was virtually deserted there, despite the temperature being in excess of 32 degrees. It made it an excellent place to spend the day with the dogs.
This site provided everything we were looking for. It is particularly good for dog owners, being large, which also gives ample room for social distancing in the present climate, and well tended. The owner Fred and his wife are friendly and welcoming, to such extent that virtually all the others there (the site being full) were regulars who return each year. It is excellent value for money and being open all year, we will certainly be returning, probably out of season when some of the local towns, such as Southwold should be less crowded.
Dave and Sue. Dover.