A great site but one issue to mention.
This site is everything that you would expect from a quality CL: - spacious level pitches, individual water points, good rubbish/waste facilities etc. However this site is situated a little less than a mile from the village of Embleton. Being motorhome owners, we generally pitch-up and walk. Now the road into the village is (for the first few hundred yards at least) relatively narrow with no footpath and no lighting. Walking into Embleton was just about okay but the walk back in the dark was scary, despite us having a torch with us. Every time a car passed we needed to jump into verges that were covered in nettles and/or brambles. Whilst we clearly survived our hazardous treks we felt that we were fortunate in that we had neither children on dogs with us. Maybe there is a safer walk through the fields into the village. We couldn't see any obvious path, but we might have missed something? We'll be back no matter what though.