CLs instead of Club sites

GTrimmer replied on 10/10/2021 13:40

Posted on 10/10/2021 13:40

Have a look - there are many CLs which offer EHU, showers and WC significantly cheaper than a pitch on a club site. Rarely (at present) more than £20 a night, most are significantly less .

Yes, you don't get 'street lights' , but there are hard standings in many and some are increasingly offering 'Super' pitches, and no infernal pegs either tongue-out

replied on 18/11/2021 12:18

Posted on 18/11/2021 08:48 by ADP1963

We were never disappointed with our CLs as we created our own little Black Book. Through my job as a Sales Rep then Manager I was abler to check many out and so never any bad surprises. Over the many years it has served us well from the tip of Scotland to the bottom of England . We do have our favourites, in particular the Pembrokeshire ones and few have changed or closed since 1978. Even to this day I add to the list if one is situated in a desirable place and comes up to our expectations. My guess is we are amongst other club members of our age group who do the same.

Posted on 18/11/2021 12:18

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

brue replied on 18/11/2021 13:06

Posted on 18/11/2021 13:06

We're different, for many years we returned to the same CL in Cornwall, meeting up with friends and enjoying the unique creek side position of the site. It has a very daunting approach so only the more adventurous got down there. wink Sadly we lost one half of our friends and their caravan was sold. We tried going back but felt we'd got good memories and it was time to move on. Since then we've tried lots of other CLs interspersed with larger sites. We know what we like and so far have not had a bad stay anywhere. Each CL is unique and there's plenty of choice. We don't particualrly want repeat visits any more, there are so many new places to see. smile

hitchglitch replied on 18/11/2021 18:59

Posted on 18/11/2021 18:59

You could say that Club sites are better because there is the opportunity to socialise with your neighbours. My experience, unfortunately, is that many of the neighbours stay in their vans watching TV.

Wherenext replied on 18/11/2021 20:03

Posted on 18/11/2021 20:03

I've always found CL stayers to be more sociable, as a general rule.

Only last week we spent 3 nights at Chester site and apart from the "Good Morning" and a quick retreat no-one could be bothered with their neighbour. In fact a couple of them actively avoided any contact, even from 3+ metres away. Went on to a CL and all of the other occupants stopped and had a chat, quite willingly. You have to be lucky to meet a sociable type next to you on a club site, which we have come across every once in a  while.

replied on 19/11/2021 08:41

Posted on 18/11/2021 20:03 by Wherenext

I've always found CL stayers to be more sociable, as a general rule.

Only last week we spent 3 nights at Chester site and apart from the "Good Morning" and a quick retreat no-one could be bothered with their neighbour. In fact a couple of them actively avoided any contact, even from 3+ metres away. Went on to a CL and all of the other occupants stopped and had a chat, quite willingly. You have to be lucky to meet a sociable type next to you on a club site, which we have come across every once in a  while.

Posted on 19/11/2021 08:41

The user and all related content has been Deleted User

eurortraveller replied on 19/11/2021 11:55

Posted on 17/11/2021 18:18 by brue

We once visited friends on a Cornish CL, they'd taken their brand new van to try out and enjoyed their stay. What we saw when we visited was a strip of grass alongside a broken farm track, grubby facilities, workmen's long stay old caravans (local road building) and chaos. They thought it was great! When they suggested we join them on a trip to Wales we declined....they were towed off on that visit. One man's heaven is definitely worth further research! wink

Posted on 19/11/2021 11:55

That one, or it’s twin, is not far from me. The one where a review says the electric hook up is hidden in a clump of nettles?  So £16 a night to park there, or £20 at a proper non CL site not too far away where the owners have made an effort.  It really does take all sorts. 

CholseyGrange replied on 19/11/2021 16:31

Posted on 19/11/2021 16:31

An Owner's viewpoint.

Many visitors to CLs cite that the reason they often choose CLs is that they are ‘good value’. Whilst this clearly prompts members to choose a CL site over a (probably more expensive) commercial or club site, should CLs be ‘cheap’ or under-selling themselves? As site operators, we offer something that is unique: A limited number of pitches.

This restriction means that visitors have space to spread out, and don’t feel like they are pitching in a car park.

Pricing of sites that provide EHU
Many modern caravans and motorhomes rely on having access to Electric Hook-Up. Although there are some keen advocates of ‘off-grid camping who are well equipped with solar cells and lithium batteries, the vast majority of CAMC members seem to need EHU.

With the price of electricity rising year on year, and the recently announced major increases, many CL sites have now chosen to meter the use of EHU and charge visitors for EHU per kWh at cost price in line with the OFGEM regulations. 

A growing number of CLs that offer EHU are pricing themselves at between £20 and £30. If the site offers additional facilities (such as a toilet or shower), has exceptional views, is well-established and has excellent reviews, or simply has a lot of demand due to location, this would seem justified. There are some CLs on the network that charge more than £30 that are fully booked all year round. Many of the new CLs joining the network in 2021 are charging £20 or more per night.

This chart shows the Pitch Price of 1,864 CLs offering EHU as at September 2021.. Although there are a few sites that provide pitches with EHU at less than £10, the vast majority are priced between £10 and £20. The average is £15.37.

Graydjames replied on 19/11/2021 17:59

Posted on 19/11/2021 17:59

On the question of sociability of members (hitchglitch, Wherenext and Deleted User User’s comments above), I suspect that it is true, albeit a bit of a generalisation, that those who visit CLs are more likely to be sociable types. The very nature of CLs is such that one is less anonymous, one of a small number and almost a part of the farm or household or establishment that runs the CL. This gives it more of a rally type atmosphere. Maybe this is more for the outgoing sociable types.

A person who is shy or unsociable on a club site is not likely to suddenly come out of their shell on a CL. It is not the CL that makes people sociable, it is that sociable types are more likely to go to CLs. I am probably stating the obvious.

As someone who has visited club sites over almost 35 years, I do believe that members are less approachable than used to be the case. Like Wherenext, I find it upsetting when neighbours avoid eye-contact, or otherwise make it obvious they do not wish to engage. I always try to be friendly and have a chat. Perhaps especially because I am on my own, so it is good to have some interaction. Most people will chat once one starts a conversation, in my experience, but too many adopt avoidance tactics and make sure you don’t get the chance to open a dialog. I do find that depressing.

At least I can say that there is less suspicion of single campers nowadays. In my early days, this was a problem. People seemed to think it was extraordinary that one could be on one’s own. That has changed, thank goodness, although it still limits couples’ willingness to do more than have a brief chat.    

But, having written what I have, I would stop at criticising neighbours because they sit inside watching the TV. If they chat when one encounters them outside or walking on the site or at the service point, or wherever, that’s great and I much enjoy engaging in that way; sometimes this might lead to a drink or a cuppa together and that is great. But I have to say that, for myself, I do not want to find myself feeling obliged to interact beyond that. I might be willing to do so, but I do not want to feel obliged to do so. There is a very big difference. That is why, for example, I never go on rallies. Nor would I countenance, as a single camper, joining singles groups. I know some love that kind of thing and I have no argument with them at all, but it is not for me. I like to do things my own way, especially when I am on holiday. That does not make me unsociable, no more than staying inside and watching TV makes me unsociable. If a neighbour who is willing to engage and chat, chooses to spend the rest of their day watching TV I have no complaint with that. It would be arrogant in the extreme to expect them to come out to talk to me.

It is those who simply won’t engage at all that I find deeply disheartening.

Sorry, a long post I know, but I felt I wanted to get that said. It means a lot to me to be able to have friendly chats when on site.  

young thomas replied on 19/11/2021 18:05

Posted on 19/11/2021 18:05

"With the price of electricity rising year on year, and the recently announced major increases, many CL sites have now chosen to meter the use of EHU and charge visitors for EHU per kWh at cost price in line with the OFGEM regulations."

this is interesting in that we are regularly told that, despite many comments on CT where it was hoped the overall electric usage/bill could/should be lowered using metering, lower breaker values or a non-EHU option, the Club couldnt recoup any costs to carry out any of the above without price rises...

How can a 5 van site cover their costs for metering and maintain prices, and couldn't any plan they use be replicated to a larger site or group of sites ( et work)?

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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