Third Party Advertisements

DavidKlyne replied on 30/06/2017 09:58

Posted on 30/06/2017 09:58

Is anyone else getting third party advertisements appearing on the right hand side of the page under Useful Information? These have been appearing (at least to me) for some time but they seem to be associated with Club offers so initially I thought nothing of it. However this morning I have an advertisement for Photobucket!!! They are not Google Ads but they are flagged as an advertisement. Just wonder what the Club policy is on this and will it become more widespread?


Wanderbirds replied on 04/07/2017 22:23

Posted on 04/07/2017 22:23

Photobucket are now wanting $399 (£309)  per year so that photos on Photobucket can be posted on third party websites.  This means that if you have photos on Photobucket which you have posted onto Club Together they have been removed and replaced with the request to update your Photobucket account ie. pay the extortion.  It is causing mayhem on ebay and Amazon etc.  Nothing to do with the Club's IT staff this time.

There's a link to the BBC story HERE.

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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