Loss of Value

Ruby2Doris replied on 22/08/2022 18:27

Posted on 22/08/2022 18:27

So back in Feb 2020 we purchased a brand new Elddis 554. Since then we have been battling with the dealer, the manufacturer and the bodyshop to get it in for repair, due to severe damp issues throughout most of the vehicle, upto 70% in some places.

We have been assured by the manufacturer that once repaired then no one will be able to see the severity of the damp repair via records however I know this is untrue. Any Elddis agent can log on and see all warranty repairs and history via their system and the vehicle chassis number. Also if we come to sell and the buyer asks if it has any damp issues in the past them we cant lie and will have to declare the problems. 

I need to establish what the loss of value to the van will be, has anyone ever had experience of this problem before and what was their outcome, how did they deal with it. We had to get a solicitor involved just to get it in for repair but that cost a fortune and really want try and avoid further legal costs. 


Matt and Michelle

Vincevan replied on 04/11/2022 12:31

Posted on 04/11/2022 12:31


Thanks for the info Tinwheweler.  I have now posted up under Auto Trail damp issues.  

Vincevan replied on 04/11/2022 12:34

Posted on 04/11/2022 12:34

It's time that the industry was taken to task to ensure that their contractual responsibilities are adhered to in a proper and correct manner.  The impression I have having owned three different brands so far is  that once sold, the purchaser is of no further interest to the dealer/manufacturer.  It really is not good enough.

layton1837 replied on 04/11/2022 15:43

Posted on 04/11/2022 15:43

Some times you have to take drastic action, About 3 years ago on my 2015 Swift Elegance the external locker doors were of the lift up type, Held open by a spring. After many letters to Swift asking them to deal with the danger that this type of locker door was causing, you only had to touch the spring and it fell on your head. The action that i took was to go online and down load the papers to issue a summons against Swift ,My claim was for £1000.which i emailed to Swift, Bingo my caravan was collected from my dealer and transported back to the factory, where the 2 side lockers were changed to drop down type as they are on all new swifts, They also replaced the toilet locker because it had not been sealed properly.

So sometimes you have to do things you might not want to.

Vincevan replied on 05/11/2022 13:45

Posted on 05/11/2022 13:45

I think that is what we will end up doing.  It really is high time that all these sorts of problems were brought right out into the light and manufacturers'dealers' behaviour/attitude exposed.  

We were originally told that the Auto Trail repairer was waiting for replacement parts and have now been doing for nearly a year.  What I don't understand is that if there is a shortage of all these parts, how come the manufacturers can continue to churn out new vehicles onto the market.  Surely if parts are short, new vehicles cannot be completed.  

Most of the vehicle brands marketed in the UK are now owned by one huge leisure industry company, Trigano, and they are based in France.  

Oxfordeagle15 replied on 05/11/2022 19:29

Posted on 05/11/2022 19:29

We had major damp problems with a 554 as well.  It took ages for it to be repaired - firstly due to the lack of spare parts which Elddis seemed unable to source and then Covid came along and everything shut.

When done I did exactly what others have suggested - I traded it in with the dealer from whom I purchased a new Coachman.  

Maybe a valuation of its worth from another source would be a good idea - to make sure you are not being penalised.

Wish you good luck with whatever you do

Vincevan replied on 28/11/2022 11:28

Posted on 28/11/2022 11:28

I can now report that two strong letters to Auto Trail later, the last giving them 14 days to make progress to honour the warranty, we now have a date for repair early in January.  

It has been very stressful but I would advise anyone who has similar problems to hang on in there and like the dog keep tight hold of the bone even if it means letting them know that you are prepared to go down the legal route which was what seemed to provoke some action.

Our thanks to Caravan Club legal team for their advice and also to our local Trading Standards.

JVB66 replied on 28/11/2022 12:14

Posted on 28/11/2022 11:28 by Vincevan

I can now report that two strong letters to Auto Trail later, the last giving them 14 days to make progress to honour the warranty, we now have a date for repair early in January.  

It has been very stressful but I would advise anyone who has similar problems to hang on in there and like the dog keep tight hold of the bone even if it means letting them know that you are prepared to go down the legal route which was what seemed to provoke some action.

Our thanks to Caravan Club legal team for their advice and also to our local Trading Standards.

Posted on 28/11/2022 12:14

That is the only way to go unfortunately these days as it seems many companies that try not to hontheir obligations hope the person with the problem,/s will give upundecided

It took me seven years of perceiverance to get a problem solved and it was the company who agreed to my demands eventually surprised

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