Help with Lunar Quasar

Jemster replied on 29/02/2016 21:40

Posted on 29/02/2016 21:40

Hi there just after a bit of advice and to see if any club members have had any experience of this problem. We bought privately last year a Lunar Quasar 546 we bought  it from a family who had it from new and the van is still in warranty. The family we bought from only ever used the van in summer and mainly in France never in the cold months never used the heating. We do we have a 3 and 5 year old so the heating is on constant this was the first time the van had done winter outing. The van has currently gone in for warranty work we keep it in storage but thought I would give it a quick clean inside. When I wiped the shower area down I noticed a big problem. There is a heater vent in the actual shower cubicle in the plastic panel. The heat has melted, warped and split the plastic  shower panel around the heater vent. I am absolutely shocked as feel this is dangerous especially when it is on through the night. Lunar have firstly refused to sort because that part of the warranty has expired. I see this as a dangerous design fault and have emailed them direct to give them another opportunity to deal with this issue. I am just wondering if anyone has experienced similar problems with Lunar car and. Sorry for the long post. Thanks jemma 

Firedragon replied on 29/02/2016 21:51

Posted on 29/02/2016 21:51

How high did you have the heating on Jemstar? We have the same van and haven't noticed anything (but will certainly check it in the morning) It does have to be very cold for us to have the heating on overnight and if we do it is as low as it will go, even so I agree it certainly shouldn't melt the panel.


Oneputt replied on 29/02/2016 21:52

Posted on 29/02/2016 21:52

Although we have a Quaser derivited (dealer special) I can't help you with your specific problem.  If lunar don't want to fix the problem perhaps you could have a word with the CC legal team.

Jemster replied on 29/02/2016 21:55

Posted on 29/02/2016 21:55

Hi there we only have the heating on 1500 in the day and down to 1000 at night as it does get a little over whelming  just to keep the nip out and we don't have the blowers on high quite low. The bathroom does get over bearing but I have never closed the vent off its always open. When it was inspected here the warranty work is been carried out they were shocked at the damage.

Wildwood replied on 01/03/2016 16:43

Posted on 01/03/2016 16:43

We have a Quasar but it does not have that problem. What you appear to have is a design defect which would not be covered by the guarantee as it is not a manufacturing defect. I do not think you have any claim as you bought the caravan privately and therefore are not protected by The Sale of Goods Act or its replacement. If you had bought from a dealer you might have said the design was unfit for purpose but you cannot do this against Lunar.

Sorry but I think you are stuck with paying for the repair and you might ask the repairer if he could resite the vent to prevent the problem happening again.

Simon100 replied on 01/03/2016 20:53

Posted on 01/03/2016 20:53

Are you suggesting that the warm air heating has melted the vent? I have to say I find that very surprising, especially in the bathroom which is some distance from the heater. I can't imagine that warm air reaches the temperature required to melt plastic.

Could there be another explanation such as misuse by the previous owners?

Jemster replied on 01/03/2016 22:46

Posted on 01/03/2016 22:46

Hi there no I am not suggesting the heat has melted the vent. The heat from the vent has melted, warped and split the shower panel surrounding the area around the  vent, thanks 

ScreenNameC5FF504453 replied on 14/07/2022 01:08

Posted on 29/02/2016 21:40 by Jemster

Hi there just after a bit of advice and to see if any club members have had any experience of this problem. We bought privately last year a Lunar Quasar 546 we bought  it from a family who had it from new and the van is still in warranty. The family we bought from only ever used the van in summer and mainly in France never in the cold months never used the heating. We do we have a 3 and 5 year old so the heating is on constant this was the first time the van had done winter outing. The van has currently gone in for warranty work we keep it in storage but thought I would give it a quick clean inside. When I wiped the shower area down I noticed a big problem. There is a heater vent in the actual shower cubicle in the plastic panel. The heat has melted, warped and split the plastic  shower panel around the heater vent. I am absolutely shocked as feel this is dangerous especially when it is on through the night. Lunar have firstly refused to sort because that part of the warranty has expired. I see this as a dangerous design fault and have emailed them direct to give them another opportunity to deal with this issue. I am just wondering if anyone has experienced similar problems with Lunar car and. Sorry for the long post. Thanks jemma 

Posted on 14/07/2022 01:08

Hi Jemster

I realise this post is from 2016 and I found it while checking for answers myself. On the off chance you are still a member I thought I would comment just to say I have the same Make and model as you have/had and the exact same issue. We too bought ours privately from someone who never used the heating. When we bought it they said to be careful with the heat for this exact same reason although it was not an issue they had had. First Spring night in the van, turned the heating up about 3/4 of the way and sure enough later found the cubicle side wall around the vent warped through heat. There were also small crack offshoots radiating out from the vent hole. To avoid a costly repair I drilled tiny holes at the end of each crack to stop it spreading and then sealed a slightly larger surface vent over the hole to hide my handywork. This was great for a year until we accidentally had it turned up again and again it melted the new vent cover. I've now got to replace the replacement......
If you look under the shelf in the wardrobe where the heater and pipes are there are 2 foil pipes. One goes off to the left to feed all the other vents in the van whilst the other goes to the right and straight into the shower cubicle. I'm looking to block this pipe now so that all the heat goes to the other vents and not the shower........ You may read this, you may not but it got it off my chest as its a terrible design fault with costly consequences.....

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