Diesel / petrol banned by 2040 what do we do then

DreamMachine replied on 14/07/2017 17:57

Posted on 14/07/2017 17:57

the government has annouced the banning of all new diesel & petrol cars by 2040 !

so what do we do for tow cars after then -  or Motorhomes for that matter ?


I can't see how electric cars are going to be upto the job so is it back to using horses ?


obbernockle replied on 15/07/2017 21:45

Posted on 15/07/2017 21:45

Unless this roumour can be substantiated I assume it is nothing more than an unsubstantiated roumour. 

JaRT replied on 15/07/2017 22:21

Posted on 14/07/2017 17:57 by DreamMachine

the government has annouced the banning of all new diesel & petrol cars by 2040 !

so what do we do for tow cars after then -  or Motorhomes for that matter ?


I can't see how electric cars are going to be upto the job so is it back to using horses ?


Posted on 15/07/2017 22:21

I think you are confused, our government have announced nothing of the sort. Besides that even if they had there would be a ban on sales of new petrol and diesels so any real problem for owners of such vehicles wouldn't kick in for many years after that.


As to your confusion I think you mean the French govt.

Freedom a whitebox replied on 16/07/2017 08:04

Posted on 16/07/2017 08:04

I am not worried about a ban in 2040, pollution has to be addressed!

My concern will be how we get there. Increased taxes and zone charges for any diesel registered before 2015/ Euro6, will hit hard on those on a fixed income,those that can't afford to replace with a new vehicle. I would expect that older vehicles will become too expensive to use for the ordinary man/woman in the street. I for one, even with a scrapage scheme could not be in a position to replace mine. Secondhand prices are governed by the demand for resale. No market for older vehicles, could be the factor that prevents being able finance a suitable tow vehicle or Motorhome. If that happens, there would be an issue with booking a pitch, as nobody with be able to get to them..  


obbernockle replied on 16/07/2017 10:27

Posted on 16/07/2017 10:19 by Spriddler

Quite. It's merely an aspiration.

('Aspiration'..........geddit? wink)

Posted on 16/07/2017 10:27


Cornersteady replied on 19/07/2017 20:07

Posted on 19/07/2017 20:07

I had lunch today and we were discussing electric cars as one of the group has bought a second hand Leaf. This interesting question came up:

Are batteries heavier when fully charged? 

Tinwheeler replied on 19/07/2017 20:26

Posted on 19/07/2017 20:07 by Cornersteady

I had lunch today and we were discussing electric cars as one of the group has bought a second hand Leaf. This interesting question came up:

Are batteries heavier when fully charged? 

Posted on 19/07/2017 20:26

I guess you could work it out, Corners. Batteries store electricity so if you know how much the battery holds and the weight of electricity, the calculation will be simple.wink

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