Bailey Unicorn Cadiz

brian7483 replied on 15/07/2020 21:53

Posted on 15/07/2020 21:53

I have a Bailey Unicorn Cadiz which I bought new in April 2016. I was away in it from 5/7/2020 until 12/7/2020 at one of our club sites. My wife opened the top nearside cupboard nearest to the toilet and found water had leaked in through the roof joint into the locker. Fortunately we keep our belongings in plastic boxes in these lockers so the water had collected in that. Not a lot but enough to fill the box approximately six millimetres. This has happened over a period of three months during lock down whilst the caravan was in storage. I am currently in the process of negotiating with Bailey to have the leak repaired under warranty. I do not expect to have any problems with them. Whilst talking to another Bailey Unicorn owner on site he too had suffered the same problem. has anyone else had this occur to them?

richardandros replied on 30/06/2021 14:30

Posted on 30/06/2021 14:30

I think it's a bit unfair to make such a damming statement about Bailey's BD.  We had a 2015 Barcelona, bought new in Dec 2014 - so one of the early U3s - never had the roofstrap replaced and it never leaked and the damp readings over 4 services were always 10% or less.  The only real issue we had with it was a leaking shower tray just before we sold it which cost me £500 to have repaired. I am sure that for every one complaint about various makes on here, there are many, many more who have experienced trouble-free vans.

I'm not excusing bad workmanship or lack of quality control but I have to say that even our present Knaus - which I bought primarily for it's outstanding build- quality, hasn't been without one or two "issues". But that doesn't make them all 'bad'.

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