#3500 lives – what are your tips for safe driving?

RochelleCC replied on 10/03/2017 10:34

Posted on 10/03/2017 10:34

Today the FIA launched their #3500lives road safety campaign. The campaign is designed to raise awareness of the risk factors faced by drivers through a series of powerful posters which tackle key issues such as texting whilst driving, using a child safety seat correctly, checking tyres and stopping when tired.

We think that this is an extremely worthwhile cause, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on the campaign.

What are your top tips for safe driving?

You can find out more about the campaign at www.fia.com

young thomas replied on 27/07/2019 09:31

Posted on 27/07/2019 07:27 by cyberyacht

Yeah but they were back-seat drivers.

Posted on 27/07/2019 09:31

...and why should Fred have all the fun?wink

our two vehicles couldn't be more different....an A class MH, albeit not too wide nor too long, and a tiny Fiat 500.

the 500 goes through any gap, parks anywhere but is low and the view well ahead up the road is not so good...

the MH has a huge windscreen and side windows giving a panoramic view out, add in the height of the driver seat and we can see over most traffic (including 4x4s) which help with picking up changing traffic conditions more quickly...

both are fun to drive in their own evironment, with the MH being a better long distance vehicle.

but, in either, we don't rush, are courteous to others and drive in a defensive manner, being prepared for as many eventualities as the road can throw at you...

that doesn't mean we dawdle, we keep up with the traffic flow at all times, but different vehicles require additional skills, especially reading where there are pinch points ahead and anticipation of that other large vehicle coming round the tight corner...

commeyras replied on 27/07/2019 16:30

Posted on 27/07/2019 16:30

Before turning right or overtaking -





Also, I wish drivers would slow down a little at roundabouts and give those trying to enter a sporting chance.

Vatsmith replied on 09/08/2019 01:33

Posted on 04/07/2017 14:43 by ixam elbon

Leaving a good distance between yourself and the vehicle in front will cover nearly everything else others have mentioned. This is a defensive driving style that will give you time to think, react, and may save yours and others lives. KEEP YOUR DISTANCE and take your time. You will feel better for it. On the plus side you will get more miles per gallon with less wear and tear of you vehicle. Happy Caravanning.

Posted on 09/08/2019 01:33

Those 'less young' members may remember the old TV 'two second rule' road safety adverts. The idea is to note when the vehicle in front passes a marker like a lamp post, say to yourself "Only a fool breaks the two-second rule" (which takes two seconds) and if you've reached the marker before you've finished saying it you're the fool. 

Lyke Wake Man replied on 17/08/2019 10:05

Posted on 17/08/2019 10:05

I set the cruse control at 58 M.P.H. on the motorway, so it doesn't go over 60 M.P.H.going down hill, & I take control when needed by braking or changing gear, but I get a lot of caravans with big cars passing me like a bat out of h***   they must be doing over 75 M.P.H.

I have also observed other caravans on sites great big awnings, Bikes,Table & Chairs & 2 steel gas bottles, I am on my weight limit with a Plastic refillable bottle and No Awning, Bikes or table & Chairs, so they must be well over their weight limit

whatdoiknow replied on 30/04/2020 09:08

Posted on 30/04/2020 09:08

Nothing wrong with a friendly wave a courteous disposition to spread harmony

robinofstackpole replied on 27/05/2020 13:51

Posted on 10/03/2017 12:50 by JillwithaJay

Many years ago, Lancashire Constabulary Motor Driving School told me to drive as though every other driver on the road is an idiot and, therefore, you have to think not only for yourself but for them as well. 


Posted on 27/05/2020 13:51

I was given similar advice back in the 70's when being taught to fly in the Royal Navy, about other pilots and also drivers on the road.

I have since then heard about look OUT and added OFF

O Over 

U Under

T Through 

OFF use reflections off parked cars windows etc. to get information around corners.

Try also to look at the vehicles 2 or 3 in front, not just the one immediately in front as they will give early indications of breaking. 

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