Gardening: Hints and Help!

Takethedogalong replied on 22/02/2015 10:58

Posted on 22/02/2015 10:58

Gardening is probably my favourite hobby, and at this time of year, I love to have a good look around my own garden and decide what needs doing, does everything thrive where it is planted, and do I have space for anything else to change the look of the garden a little bit!

With this is mind, I wondered if like minded enthusiasts are interested in sharing good ideas, suggesting help or remedies for problems and just generally "chatting gardens and gardening"?

As an opening suggestion, there may be a few out there that share my love of a tiny but utterly lovely little flower, Convallaria Majaris, beloved of Spring Brides and flower arrangers, better known as deliciously scented "Lily of the Valley". Usually gorgeous in white, but you can actually find it, with a bit of searching, in shades of pale to quite bright pink! It is called CM var "Rosea", and smells just as lovely.

Anyone else got ideas to share?

Takethedogalong replied on 28/04/2020 21:12

Posted on 28/04/2020 21:12

Sadly no sign of our visitor, but we shall keep looking. 

Something I have noticed this year, and I’m going to whisper slug damage (been extremely dry) and no sign of any greenfly so far on roses🤞Hope it stays this way.

All we have is a bit of drizzle....

Bakers2 replied on 30/04/2020 09:55

Posted on 30/04/2020 09:55

Just returned from a walk. Only my second in 42 days! But I need to avoid bringing 'IT'  back, nice morning and I stuck to pavements, still several folk about just after 8am,  just distance issue with young lad 10 ish? on a bike, face covered, ride up behind me and passed within inches. Said excuse my distance and got a glare! Why pavement and not road? Especially at the moment. I digress!

Beautiful yellow to apricot  climbing/rambling rose out with delicate perfume. Looks like it's been there years, not noticed it before. Lots of beautiful blossom everywhere, certainly lifts the spirits.

Takethedogalong maybe you hedgehog was a one off? Hopefully you've had some decent rain and itll be finding natural food again?

brue replied on 01/05/2020 11:22

Posted on 01/05/2020 11:22

Sounding like Lady Fortescue of CT Manor I ate my first globe artichoke from the garden the other day, laughing I grew some from seed two years ago, they got a bit big last year with very small "globes" we transplanted them ("we" = OH) and at only three feet high this year they are producing proper full sized globes already, quite surprised by this. 

Cucumber plants arrived by post, two out of three survived the journey, these are small cucumbers and we'll find space in the greenhouse for them.

Takethedogalong replied on 01/05/2020 12:30

Posted on 01/05/2020 12:30

We do have hedgehogs around us, but seldom in our garden, probably because of pooch, although he doesn’t touch or worry them.

Had to chuckle when I watched this, takes “garden visitors” into another level😱 imaging having this in pond😂

Going to check water butts today, we have had a bit of the damp stuff.

brue replied on 04/05/2020 11:35

Posted on 04/05/2020 11:35

Have been handing over some seed grown veg to a village friend this morning, a sort of continuing swap going on. OH is putting in veg wherever he can, convinced we'll need them later. Lets hope the uk gets enough fruit and veg pickers...maybe those of us over a certain age will be allowed (or sent) out to help?! Back to holidays in the fields, I've got a late forties photo of my MIL with OH covered in mud in a Warwickshire potato field! wink

Takethedogalong replied on 04/05/2020 22:09

Posted on 04/05/2020 22:09

I have found a rather nice Rose I fancy, called Devoniensis. It’s a climbing tea rose, surprisingly old, 1838, but it repeats, is supposed to be quite hardy and looks and smells lovely. Could be my out of lockdown treat......if I can find one for sale!

brue replied on 10/05/2020 10:40

Posted on 10/05/2020 10:40

I noticed that Millie had written about not being too happy with a Parkers delivery. We had to "rescue" several of deliveries from the nurseries this year, including Parkers. It looks as though some have been too long in the post and have been thrown around. Suttons refunded after I complained about one batch. We had a plum tree from NI earlier this year and that's not looking too good either! Obviously too much demand and lack of the usual care. We did have an excellent delivery from Garden Blooms in Fishlake, Doncaster. Very happy with that one. 

I took a few photos outside this morning, still warm at the moment. Part of our front garden and a nice rose from one of the borders, "For Your Eyes Only."

Then I took a photo in the veg plot and the Sweet Williams. Also the struggling Parker's plants and the good Garden Blooms plants! Happy gardening everyone.🌼

RedKite replied on 10/05/2020 12:52

Posted on 10/05/2020 12:52

Great photos brue, just wish we had better ground here to much limestone everywhere but have got some raised beds and I have to go with what grows locally and the Salvia shrubs at present are full of flowers and the bees do love them.

Takethedogalong replied on 10/05/2020 16:07

Posted on 10/05/2020 16:07

Salvias🤔 Now they are a plant I really like. Haven’t had any in garden for quite a while........

I did get some lovely osteospermums yesterday, and a gorgeous dianthus. Wrapped up warm in greenhouse today though!🥶

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