White Tailed Sea Eagles, IOW

nelliethehooker replied on 14/03/2021 20:01

Posted on 14/03/2021 20:01

Don't know if any of you bidding enthusiasts follow Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation but here is a report from it about the Sea Eagles released on the IOW in 2020, and also of the journeys of other recorded Sea Eagles. A most interesting read.



mickysf replied on 02/04/2022 19:13

Posted on 02/04/2022 13:15 by Fisherman

It is so short sighted by those that are trying to reintroduce species, when they are ignoring the problem of ground nesting birds like curlew and lapwings in particular. They are  being decimated despite habitat improvement beause foxes are out of control and sweeping up all chicks. There is a high probability that they will be extinct within a decade.  Are we looking at wildlife through the wrong end of the binoculars?

Posted on 02/04/2022 19:13

I realise your post is is most possibly in the wrong thread but this article may be of interest to you!


Just a thought but please enlighten me as to why Golden Plover are still on the legal list for shooters in the UK? It’s good to talk and learn from others!

nelliethehooker replied on 02/04/2022 20:35

Posted on 02/04/2022 12:39 by brue

If youre lucky enough to be up in the Cairngorms this year you might see this LINK

Can't put it on the web cam thread as it's for local viewing only.

Posted on 02/04/2022 20:35

Thanks for the link, brue.👍 I mentioned the fact in the Osprey thread yesterday, but couldn't find the link.

Fisherman replied on 02/04/2022 21:23

Posted on 02/04/2022 21:23

No idea about Golden Plovers but then of the usual date makes much sense, Probably a desktop  task by wet behind the ears jobsworths.

mickysf replied on 02/04/2022 21:39

Posted on 02/04/2022 21:23 by Fisherman

No idea about Golden Plovers but then of the usual date makes much sense, Probably a desktop  task by wet behind the ears jobsworths.

Posted on 02/04/2022 21:39

Ah, understood! No understanding then or recognition of the complex issues involved, 

nelliethehooker replied on 09/04/2022 18:04

Posted on 09/04/2022 18:04

Just seen this on AOL, great news .

"A hidden camera has captured the first live UK footage of a wild white-tailed eagle hatching. Staff at RSPB Scotland’s Abernethy nature reserve in Perthshire, where the eaglet hatched, described it as being “such a special moment”. It comes after eggs were first spotted in a nest being used by eagles Shona and Finn early in March.

The nest’s location remains secret, to avoid the birds being disturbed, but after both eagles took turns incubating the eggs and protecting them from the snow and recent storms, RSPB Scotland confirmed the first egg had hatched at 1943 on April 8.

A camera, which has been hidden in a stick three metres away from the nest to avoid disturbing the birds, captured the moment – with images of the eaglet emerging being beamed live to the Loch Garten Nature Centre in Abernethy.

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