The Ospreys are back !!

ABM replied on 01/04/2015 16:52

Posted on 01/04/2015 16:52

April  starts  the  season  of  'Osprey  hunting'    for  me .

So  off  to  RSPB  Loch  Garten,  on-line  of  course,  and  the  sites  up, just  about,  but  no  Ospreys  as  yet.

So  over  to  Scottish  Wildlife Trusts  "Loch  of  The  Lowes"  Website  and,  and    Surprised  not  one  but  two  Ospreys  &  mating  in  full  view  of  the  cameras  !  Its  not  the  aged  "Lady"  but  a  new  female  now  in  residence,  so  we'll  have  to  see  if  the  old  girl  turns  up  at  all.  Well  she  is  believed  to  be  in  the  high  twenties  now,  darn  near  Geriatric  as  far  as  Ospreys  go !  I  understand  Rutland  has  a  number  of  arrivals   so  I  must  keep  watching  Loch  Garten  for  more  tales  of  Bad Bird  Behaviour  !!

ABM replied on 07/05/2021 16:26

Posted on 07/05/2021 16:26

And it goes on and on and . . . . . . .

A female peregrine has been found dead in the Clee Hill Area as well as the poisoned pigeon that was used as bait.  It is believed that the Male peregrine was also poisoned, but had not been found at the time the BBC published the information.

ABM replied on 07/05/2021 17:43

Posted on 16/04/2021 21:52 by nelliethehooker

There have been numerous eggs laid by Ospreys on observed nests over the last couple of days.

To cheer Brian up there are reports of a couple of Ospreys investigating the Loch Garten next site!!😁 Hope they pair up and occupy the nest this year.

Posted on 07/05/2021 17:43

Nellie,  I've recently read MillieH's posts about hanging up her & her OH's Site Guides and certainly needed cheering up, so chanced my arm and looked up Carnyx Wild, Loch Garten.  Despite it being a right rubbish picture at least I've seen two osprey sitting on the nest in my very everso fave forest  laughing    For want of anything better to say ---  Woohoo, Yeehah  cool - Might just might even get the good book out and think about heading somewhere spectacular, if that is we are permitted that far over the northern border  !!

nelliethehooker replied on 07/05/2021 21:35

Posted on 07/05/2021 21:35

Try this link, ABM, it's for the RSPB Garten web page. Lots of photos of the pair, named Mistle and Axel by the correspondents, although not yet confirmed by the site wardens. They have bonded and mated frequently but Axel is not good at bringing the fish yet.


ABM replied on 07/05/2021 22:36

Posted on 07/05/2021 22:36

AH, thank you Nellie, 

Found the Problem with the lousy picture ~~ lightning strike took down the wifi, camera etc but although he did what a man's gotta do it is too late in the season for Carnyx man to climb to the nest and fix / change the camera -- so "merrily we'll limp along "  at least until any wobbleheads arrive & need ringing. They may then do a frantic camera swap at the same time, perhaps.

nelliethehooker replied on 08/05/2021 21:57

Posted on 08/05/2021 21:57

Here's as long summary of today exp!lots at LG, just for you ABM.

They really have been wonderful today.  A fish.  Nearly all the time one or 'tuther has been on nest.  They have shared the fish too

Just for the record. from about 10.00


10.47.54       Mistle returned to the nest, possibly defending against unseen intruder

10.48.00        Mistle looks behind her intently

10.50.18       Mistle reacts to unseen intruder that appears to fly around the nest.  She turns 360 degrees, shadow seen as osprey flies down and past the nest                     – carrying a fish?

                      Carrying a fish, blue Darvic on left leg and BTO on the right leg

10.51            Intruder still around

10.54              Mistle intruder calls and mantles again.  It's overhead, flash of wing on the top fish of the screen

10.55.17        Mistle takes off – after intruder, or to get away.

10.55.57        Mistle returns alert

10.57.47        Mistle mantles, calls

10.58.10        F unringed intruder tries to land, Mistle rises and attacks her, seeing her off

11.01.57        Mistle shakes her feathers.  Incident over?

11.20              Mistle calling for fish – is Axel within sight?

11.38              FISH  Axel arrives with a headless fish.  Just the one up to 18.03

11.38.36        Mistle takes off with the fish

11.41            Axel flies off

11.45            Osprey, Mistle?,  found on a tree

11.48.20        Cam pans and back to the nest

12.20            Cam pans again, and finds Mistle ? eating a fish on a tall dead pine

12.24.30         Cam pans again, back to branch of  open tree top- osprey preening.

12.24.52        Close-up – it's Mistle – weird   It's Axel, keeping guard!

12.33.03         Axel returns to the nest

12.35.57         Axel flies

12.38.35          Axel and Mistle return.  Leftover fish transferred with a struggle.  Axel takes it and flies off

12.42.57         Mistle is pottering

13.22               Mistle still sitting doing little.

13.37.20          Axel returns with the fish tail.  Mistle takes it.  The fish lies to the left of her talons

13.40               Axel flew off and returned to mate – it is quite windy.  I'm not sure whether it was a success

                        Axel flew off again and stayed away this time.

13.58.4           Axel returned, and wanders around the nest.

14.00.5           Axel flew off

14.09.18        Mistle picked up the tail end and started to eat.

14.11              Mistle flew off with the fish tail

14.12               Axel returned – where's the fish?!!

14.23.50         Mistle brought the fish tail back.  Axel pulled and tugged to get it from her grasp.  She hung on.  He had another go and she pecked him!

14.25.20         Axel it roaming the nest, and has another go at pinching the fish.  Mistle is having nothing of it.  Axel flew off.

14.28               Cam went roaming again, looking for Axel.

14.30              Found him on a tree perch                     

14.34.32         Back to the nest, and Mistle, just standing.

14.52.40         Mistle ate some more fish.  Raining.

15.18.07          Continuing to eat

15.26              She is down to the tail fin.  A shake of the head and it's gone.

15.29                A bit of twig moving, and towards the cup.

15.35.48          Axel lands on her back – and a successful mating with gusto!

                        Axel flew off.  Mistle flaps her wings and gives her feathers a shake before cleaning her bill on a handy piece of wood.

15.47.30          Mistle has flown

15.48.34          Axel returned

15.44.02         Axel had flown

16.14.58          Mistle has returned

16.16.40         Axel lands on her back – not sure whether it was successful. 

                        Axel flew off

16.59.36         Mistle has flown  ENS

17.04.54         Mistle landed on the far rim, looking very wet - it was raining earlier

                       Followed by Axel, who landed on 'our' side, he took looks wet.  It's continued to rain I assume.

17.10.49        Axel flew off

Mistel remains on the nest.

edit:  18.15  Mistle has flown

ABM replied on 08/05/2021 22:32

Posted on 08/05/2021 22:32

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you ~~ so much going on that  Brian won't need to read about moles at Duncton Wood tonight  will he  wink

And I seem to recall that we have been thro' this scenario with a young male osprey in the recent past  surprised.

nelliethehooker replied on 09/05/2021 19:17

Posted on 09/05/2021 19:17

Much more going on there today, ABV, including the delivery of a huge fish. It does look promising, but we'll just have to wait and see, with fingers crossed.

nelliethehooker replied on 09/05/2021 21:54

Posted on 09/05/2021 21:54

I missed it yesterday, but the first chick, in the observed nests, arrived yesterday at around 3 pm at the Manton Bay nest at Rutland.laughing

ABM replied on 10/05/2021 08:11

Posted on 10/05/2021 08:11

 Indeed Nellie, just had a quick peep at the Manton Bay chick --  should have a sibling very soon if all goes well.  Makes getting up & playing on here early doors well worth the effort !

Did see the LG  'History Lesson'  reminding me of the very unofficial military protection scheme put in place a long time ago, and the resulting  loading of the NHS Services that occurred  innocent. { If Only , , , , , , , , }

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