What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

milliehull replied on 21/01/2021 22:32

Posted on 21/01/2021 21:22 by robsail

Just had the 3rd snowplough round the street over the course day! There was 7inches of snow at our backdoor, 5 at the front! We are not in the wilds.

Had the text to say that jabs to be provided to those shielding by mid February. Both wife and son shielding so.........dunno if I am included as their carer!


Posted on 21/01/2021 22:32

I do hope you all get the vaccine very soon robsail. It seems to be a bit of a lottery at the moment.

KjellNN replied on 22/01/2021 00:00

Posted on 21/01/2021 08:59 by Bakers2

How lovely, we have that cocrisima it makes a wonderful show.

DIL says they've not had much rain ๐Ÿคž. Drains and pumps  holding up,  lost quite a bit of wheat with the Christmas floods.

Pegged my towels out for a blow ๐Ÿ˜€. Some have some lovely rubber Mark's on ๐Ÿ˜ค. They're back in washing again hopefully it'll come off. I could use some more excitement NOT.

Dry and bright here at present, not blue sky - that seems very scarce here, but it'll do me.

KjellNN theres certainly always plenty for you to keep amused, did you ever have enough time to go to paid work? ๐Ÿคฃ

Posted on 22/01/2021 00:00

I did, but it was a long time ago now.......over 13 years.

When we were having our house built, and doing a lot of stuff ourselves too, all holidays for about 5 years were used doing house and garden projects, and for the next 5 years, holidays away were very minimal, until we bought a caravan again in 1998.

 Before I retired I used to wonder what I would do with my time.   For the first 10 years we spent 4-5 months away in the caravan every year, OH and DD managed to find plenty of things for me to do when at home, and I took up wood turning, so have kept busy.

The last 7 years have been especially busy with DD buying her first house (rather than staying on in her flat) and then the present house, which has needed a lot more work than she had anticipated!  And Callum has kept us busy too.

Today we woke to a light covering of snow, but roads OK, so we loaded up the cot etc for  DD.    She was away to her midwife appointment and SIL had to go into school for the morning, so after dropping me off, OH headed off to do the shopping.  

Really cold standing sanding the cot pieces in the garage, took me ages.  Also looked at the "fizzing" light switch and condemned it.  Home again by 2.30pm.

Bakers2 replied on 22/01/2021 09:22

Posted on 21/01/2021 21:29 by Takethedogalong

I read somewhere that carers are a priority robsail, although how much of one seems an open ended question. Fingers crossed it happens for you though๐Ÿคž

Edit, found this, quite a recent update



Posted on 22/01/2021 09:22

Text received to book OH jab. Having it Saturday, not offered a choice of time but fortunately it's late morning so shouldn't be an issue, at our GP surgery.

I did gently ask if I could have mine at the same time but was asked if I'd received an invite. I answered honestly no but the text did come to my phone, so she laughed and said no invite no appointment. The texts/calls do come to my mobile and I think takethedogalong has the same system?, it's a job to know who the recipient is meant to be at times. OH won't use his mobile, I have to remember to charge it and pop it in his coat pocket, more for someone else to use if he gets into trouble.......... Optician texts start with either of our names.

New TV arrived and set up, had to clean behind the TV cabinet whilst the guys were here! Been too frightened to move it myself, even the guys said wow to the nest of wires, now mostly gone ๐Ÿ˜€. Sadly ๐ŸคฃDVD  player and Wii cant be used on new one, they're all analogue, so no need to feel guilt at not using keep fit DVD's or WiiFit board . Fabulous service, self owned company been around for years, not as far back as Noah being a lad but you get the drift. We had decided on size in early discussions but had a sleepless interlude night before fitting, spoke to owner and asked if possible to bring the larger one as well, no worries! Guys didn't bring smaller one in and as soon as we saw how larger one fitted and looked decision made. As they left OH said aren't you going to pay them? We all laughed and the guys said, no in a few days 'Jack' will send out an invoice and if you're happy with the set up you pay. How old fashioned and what great service is that? Yes I could have got it cheaper, not overly looked, at John Lewis or Curry's etc, but I think even John Lewis would struggle to meet that level of service. The house had yet another good blow through!

New boiler being fitted next Friday, have booked Dora a day stay with her sugar daddy and family, well trusted all round, as I can't imagine keeping her contained in one room would be easy and the guys will want to work in peace without her believing everyone loves her! Got to work out logistics for meals and drinks as boiler in the kitchen, but shouldn't be too hard ๐Ÿ˜‰.

Dry here again slight frost so off to the estate for a good run and good dose of fresh air.

Feeling for those struggling with flood issues.

Goldie146 replied on 22/01/2021 09:31

Posted on 22/01/2021 09:31

One thing having to deal with first aid at home has taught me - keep the supplies topped up! We seem to have more stuff we don't need than stuff we do. And, maybe not an ethical way to do it - but Amazon next delivery is a quick and easy way to replenish.

I'm keeping my arm dressed and covered, but letting it "breath" for a few hours in the evening when I'm sitting still.

Today I will be tackling a pile of washing up - with the right arm protected in a long AI glove.

brue replied on 22/01/2021 09:44

Posted on 22/01/2021 09:44

A local friend of ours has been admitted to hospital with an appendicitis, he didn't want to go in but didn't have much option.

Your posts have reminded me to stock up with first aid Goldie.

brue replied on 22/01/2021 09:46

Posted on 22/01/2021 09:46

 Hope you enjoy your new TV B2 and also hope the boiler arrives on a mild day! It's freezing here, heavy frost but nice strong sunshine.

RedKite replied on 22/01/2021 10:57

Posted on 22/01/2021 10:57

Hope your wrist heals up Goldie  like the idea of your washing up glove, reminds me of when we lived in Somerset a local farmers daughter was getting married and reception at home so instead of directions posted on how to get to farm as very rural they put those gloves about a 100 yards apart tied to branches and trees an unusual sight.

Francis replied on 22/01/2021 11:10

Posted on 22/01/2021 11:10

Good to hear things went well with the TV B2. Ours is 14 years old but is still in good working order and was expensive at the time as it was top of the range and it’s more than earned its money. We are thinking of maybe replacing it shortly I keep seeing all these new ones and the picture on them just looks a bit sharper so may get a new one soon. Good to use local companies we try to do that if possible too

brue replied on 22/01/2021 11:23

Posted on 22/01/2021 11:23

Whatsapp photo from teacher daughter, Covid test result, negative, first time testing has reached her school! smile

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